[hider=Swifty] Name: Samuel "Swifty" Age: 14 Sex: Male Race: Hylian Handiness: Left Appearance: [img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379731895/26141.jpg[/img] Inheritance: Light arrows- Summons an arrow of pure light, not very strong, he can summon them six to seven times a day. Personality: Swifty has never trusted anyone, he's never had anyone to look out for him either. With that said it's made him a rather fiery and smart individual. Even without a proper education he's smarter than most people and a quick study. Under all of that he is rather kind and decent knowing that he should look out for others. Prefers to talk things out but never afraid to scuffle. Recent history: Hailing from that coast he traveled inland wanting to see the place his parents came from. He seeks to discover his origins, as he has only recently come into his magic and is unsure of it's true extent. Staying in a small inn the center of castle town, often visiting library and exploring old records. Personal Goal: To find out what happened to his parents and why he has this power. Three strengths 1. Intelligent and well spoken. 2. Magically talented. 3. Very good archer. Three weaknesses 1. Physically weak. 2. Not great at getting along. 3. Easily sidetracked. Greatest Love: For the parents he lost. Hates the most: People who would hurt others. Misc: A talented singer and musician, though he's extremely embarrassed about it. He can often be caught alone singing to himself. Theme music: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q47iqNfsA80]Theme[/url] Note: Descendant of Princess Zelda. [/hider]