[@yukisaa] "Look into the orb. You should feel it when it appears...the manifestation of your power..." The hooded figure raised their hands above the orb, muttering something under their breath in a low tone. The orb began to glow slightly, though the light faded quickly and left the glossy surface clear enough to see to the center. "Do you see it? Your power?" [hr] [@Im a huge mess] "Very good. You have a very impressive power. It's potential is great, and fire by nature is recognized as something powerful even as a small flame. Many see it as a major destructive force, but there is no denying its benefits to humans and non-humans alike across history. Even a destructive blaze could at one point be a healing warmth, they say." "Remember that with your power, it is up to the user to decide what kind of force it shall be. Do not let your power define you, be the one to define your power." With the small speech completed, the violet-robed figure gave a small nod and turned back to the orb. "Now, we shall read what paths the future has invited you to..." Raising both hands above the orb, the figure whispered a few words and set the sphere aglow. After a few seconds, however, the glow died down and the figure went silent for several more seconds. "...My, my. It seems that you have been invited to quite a grand destiny, young one." The voice spoke again in a quiet, almost awed tone. "You have quite a future ahead of you, young hero." [hr] [@The Irish Tree] After a few minutes, the voice from before projected across the hall once more to call on a single name. "Atticus Haywood, please report to room C for testing. Atticus Haywood to room C."