Who was Youngest Brother? That was a question that few people sought to ask, and a question with an elusive kind of resolution that made it difficult to even approach, let alone answer. Simply put, Youngest Brother was a private person through and through, and found no sense of worth in sharing the details of his life with others. It was for this reason that, while he didn't necessarily dislike others, he tended to treat strangers as a peeve rather than a person. As he listened the the simple-minded country yokel blatantly reveal her knowledge and disposition towards the art of thievery, his sensitive ears twitched visibly under the white mop. When she approached him, claiming to have something of his previous purchase with her, the young beastkin's mind started reeling from the implications. There was no reason to give this girl the benefit of the doubt, setting aside her forthright disposition that seemed almost diametrically opposed to the occupation of a rogue, and the scowl on Youngest Brother's face was almost terrifying to behold. There was a clear hint of something untoward glimmering about his rectangular pupils. Everything about the human named Freya Holton was, in an instant, burned into Youngest Brother's mind as he finally put her in his mental eye. From the crooked nose to the almost invisible freckle on her left knuckle, he sifted through this girl's person at a frightening pace and tuned out everything else. Short, but cocky, with an unwarranted swagger in her step. Blisters on the hands implied a two-weapon fighting approach. Weapons carried a faint scent of blood, heavy with oil... an amateur cleaning job. Scuffs on the armor imply a period of good use, but lack of actual damage seemed to indicate high agility. In other words, a novice, but not an undangerous one. At this range the advantage was already hers, unless he used his magic without mediation, but that would put him dangerously close to his berserk state. Chances were high that multiple nearby bystanders would perish as well. That was no good in a popular site like this. Discussion was the only option. As if no time at all had passed between Freya's last word and Youngest Brother's next, the goat boy spoke quickly and clearly, his stone-like voice clashing starkly with the screwed-up expression on his face. [color=#b87333][b]"Do they give out tips to scavengers, these days, Miss Freya Holton?"[/b][/color] he asked, sternly eying the beckoning nature of her hand before continuing, [color=#b87333][b]"Seeing as I didn't requisition a delivery, the chances that you're trying to scam me is high, are they not? Ask yourself, now. Would you accept an unrequested package from a total stranger, no less at a location you weren't expecting it? You won't find this Youngest Brother to be such an easy mark."[/b][/color] Features relaxing a bit, Youngest Brother tilted his head in what could almost be described as a cute gesture, but it certainly didn't suit him in the slightest. Although he was trying to play off this situation as straightforwardly as possible, in his heart Youngest Brother wasn't nearly as calm. While he could certainly accept the existence of a strange coincidence or two, there was still a lingering doubt that clawed at his sense of security. He knew what that package was the minute the human girl had lugged it out, and was secretly stunned by it's sudden appearance. That was garbage, to be sure, but incriminating garbage nonetheless. It was the proof of his magical powers, something that Youngest Brother was unwilling to share with anyone but fools and corpses. If others, certain others, found out there was such a powerful weapon at their disposal, it would no doubt attract a heap of unwanted attention. The chances that this girl had already discovered this fact, even if she hadn't shown it, was more than enough reason for Youngest Brother to want to remove her. Only, that wasn't an option at the moment. Instead, he decided to attack her verbally. The angrier he made her, the easier it would be to discern her true intentions. That ear-grating monotone once again sounded, [color=#b87333][b]"I suggest you leave that - package - here and forget about extorting any kind of monetary reward from me this day. If you're willing to drop this matter, I don't see any reason to implicate you further, no doubt you don't want to make any more of a fool of yourself."[/b][/color] Youngest Brother took a slow step forward, his own short stature discernibly equal to the girl in front of him, but he was clearly making himself out to be bigger than the latter. There was a sort of lofty arrogance oozing from his facial expression and body language that even a simpleton could spot. It was almost painful to watch just how much he was looking down on the little human, as if she were a particularly feisty ant that had crawled across his path. With a simple shrug of his shoulders, Youngest Brother's massive pack fell to the ground with a resounding thud, and that malevolent sparkle in the beastkin's eye seemed to stare daggers. [color=#b87333][i]"If she attacks, good. If she yields, better. If she snaps? Perfect..."[/i][/color] Youngest Brother's thin, furry hand gripped the head of knotted black-wood walking stick, his whole body clearly poised to defend himself.