[u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Full Name:[/color][/b][/u] Amelia “Amy” Singer [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Age:[/color][/b][/u] 20 [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Species:[/color][/b][/u] Human; with diluted Deity blood. [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Gender:[/color][/b][/u] Female [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Sexuality:[/color][/b][/u] Asexual/Biromantic [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Appearance:[/color][/b][/u] Standing at 5’5, Amelia has a slim, yet slightly curvaceous figure. Her skin is quite pale, and fairly clear barring a large scar curving around her back – one would assume that she got the nasty looking injury from some monster hunt in the past – but she just fell out of a tree. *sigh* Her oval shaped face usually has a sarcastic smile upon it, her rusty green eyes adding to the patronization in a wonderfully sassy manner. Atop her head sits wavy hair ending around her mid-back; although naturally a brunette, she usually has it topped up with a vibrant, deep plum colour – all barring a single streak of jet black near her full fringe. [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] Generally, Amelia has a bright, bubbly personality. Anyone who knows her knows that she pretty much always has a smile on her face… until you piss her off. If you’ve managed to piss Amy off, you better start praying because she will bring the earth crashing down on top of you and there will be no way to stop it. However, it generally takes a lot to get her in that state so there isn’t much to worry about there. Like her sister Roze, she can be incredibly sarcastic; especially in the face of danger. Regarding her relationship with her sister, they are very close, relying on each other for emotional and morale support. She has a strong martyr complex and as such when unable to save innocents, she often falls victim to terrible anxiety attacks; it is at this point she becomes very dependent on Roze. [hider=Backstory] [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Backstory:[/color][/b][/u] Amelia was the second child of Nathan Singer and Italian-born Katerina – also the niece of Bobby Singer. She and her family lived in a somewhat more middle-class home than her dear Uncle; thanks to the rather successful jobs of her parents. They had plenty of money, but it also meant that they needed quite a bit of babysitting work. Bobby was only too happy to give up his time when he had it for the girls, considering they were the closest thing he had to children. Unfortunately, this arrangement attracted some slightly more nefarious attention, thanks to Bobby’s own job of hunting. Despite his defences against the supernatural that he had secretly inputted in his brother’s home, (As he and his family were blissfully unaware of the dark that existed in the world), demons still managed to find his family – and oh, did they have a field day with them. When Roze was 7 and Amelia 4, a demon possessed Katerina, making her attack Nathan. In his attempt to stop her aggressive advances, he tragically killed her. Not that this stopped the demon. While a young Roze watched in horror, the demon left the corpse of Katerina and possessed Nathan – who then turned its attention to Roze. Barricading herself in her younger sister’s room, a panicked Roze phoned Bobby, lost on what to do. Thankfully for her, he’d put extra defences against demons in their bedrooms – as he couldn’t bear the thought of them falling prey to their evil. With his instructions, she was able to find a gun (Yeah, a bit paranoid of him, but shit, it worked out okay in the end.) stashed in the closet of their bedroom, and loaded it in time for the door to be busted down. Turning the gun towards the demon, Roze pulled the trigger in a blind panic. [hr] Following the “home invasion murders” of their parents (That’s the story they sold to the cops anyway), Roze and Amelia moved in with Bobby – and rather than protecting them from the knowledge of his world, he was forced to teach them everything he knew. This became especially important when their powers manifested. At first it started out small – random blackouts around Amelia despite the electrics working perfectly fine in other rooms; and things around Roze randomly turning on – or exploding. Mostly exploding. As they grew up, these occurrences happened often enough for Bobby to realize the girls themselves were doing it – whether they knew it or not. This knowledge was consolidated when he found an 11-year-old Amelia sat outside, petting tendrils of darkness as if they were pet snakes. After doing some research, certain things connected in Bobby’s mind. Their mother had been mysterious at the best of times – the wedding between her and his brother had been sparse in terms of guests – hardly any of her family attended the event. She had been fairly skittish around the subject as well – all they knew was that she was from Italy, with family there and in Greece. After some research, Bobby came to the conclusion that a fairly long time ago, the bloodline of their Mother had been touched by Greek Deities. Specifically Erebus, the personification of darkness, and Phoebe, a Titan of light. And these two personifications had made themselves known in the girls. Armed with this knowledge, Bobby encouraged the girls to try and develop their powers, simply in an attempt to control them, and to ensure that they wouldn’t go wild one day. Amelia was quite happy to do so – there was always darkness around her to use, and it heeded her wishes quite easily. However, with Roze, it was far more problematic. Light was a much harsher ingredient than darkness, and much less accessible. After a few months of fairly destructive consequences, Roze turned her back on her natural power, and instead used a far more common source – good ol’ regular magic! [hr] As the girls grew older, they eventually started going out on hunting trips by themselves. With how busy Bobby was in his later years, Roze was only too happy to start taking Amy out by herself. With an awesome car (Not the Impala *sob*) and the open road, they were staying away from home for longer and longer each time. Things were looking good – until Amelia began to lose control of her darkness. Having had no issues with the power in her youth, the girls were growing increasingly worried about these sudden spikes in loss of control surrounding Amelia's darkness. Roze was particularly concerned – after the death of her parents, she was not going to let her little sister die too. No matter what the cost was. After a few weeks of research, Roze finally came to the conclusion that if Amelia was going to regain her control over darkness, she would need a creature of darkness as a teacher. And you don't get much darker than demons. Without telling anyone, Roze made her way to the closest crossroad she could find, and summoned a demon, much to her own disgust. But she was beginning to get desperate. Each day, Amelia was being consumed more and more by the dark, and they were running out of time to save her. A demon showed up, and he was more than happy to help – on one condition. Roze's soul. Due to the large request asked by Roze, and her less than friendly previous contact among demons (i.e. sending their smokey-ass butts back down to Hell at every damn chance she got), the usual ten years got cut down to five. With no other options open to her, Roze accepted. Thankfully, the demon kept his word. Masquerading as a human expert on light and dark magic, he trained Amelia in how to regain her control, and stop it from controlling her in turn. After a few years, she was as good as new... and Roze was nearing the end of her time on Earth. Following the death of Dean Winchester, Roze realized that if they hadn't found a way to get out of the contract, she wouldn't either. So with a day left, Roze finally told Amelia what she had done, and made her promise not to tell their Uncle Bobby or Sam. Begrudgingly, the younger girl agreed, and five days after the death of Dean, Roze was taken by the hellhounds herself. For the months that followed, Amelia became more immersed in hunting, using more and more dangerous methods in an attempt to avoid thinking about the death of her sister. Whenever she came into contact with Bobby or Sam, she made up excuses for her sister not being there. However, when she eventually ran into Sam during a hunt, she had to tell him the truth – he then urged her to tell her Uncle. After thinking about it for a few weeks, she finally plucked up the courage to tell him... however, it was he who phoned her, and she received the news that not only was Dean back from the dead, but so was Roze – both with mysterious handprints on their shoulders, and having no idea how they came back. Now the sisters are back together once again, hunting and living on the open road. However, things are most definitely changed between them. A stint in Hell will do that to people. [/hider] [hider=TL;DR version] Sisters; nieces of Bobby Singer. Roze was seven, Amelia 4 when parents are murdered by demons. Taken in by Bobby, taught the way of the hunter. Develop powers – Roze powers of Light, Amelia powers of Dark – due to be being descendants of Deities on mysterious mother's side. Amelia has no real issues, Roze does, so she turns instead to old fashioned magic and becomes a witch. Girls grow up, begin hunting out on open road. After some time, Amelia begins to lose control of her Dark magic. Roze sells her soul to demon in order for said demon to teach Amelia how to regain control of powers. Contract cut from 10 years to 5 due to large request, and not so friendly relationship with demons in general. Roze dies 5 days after Dean Winchester – they enjoy a stint in Hell together. Amelia takes to hunting by herself. Roze resurrected with Dean – by unknown power. Now hunting with her little sister once again. [/hider] [u][b][color=cornflowerblue]Extra:[/color][/b][/u] Due to the nature of Amelia’s powers, she sucks at using regular magic, steering as far from it as possible unless simple and absolutely necessary to avoid any more explosions (Yeah I meant to say more… never again…). When hunting, she prefers smaller weapons, mainly small guns and throwing knives as they complement her gymnastic nature. In her free time, Amy enjoys casually playing with (i.e. being a show off) whatever musical instrument comes to hand. Her natural affinity for music means she can quite literally pick up any instrument and play it really well. Amelia can often be found with an extensive array of molotovs and other fiery explosives, none of which are hers. Her sister Roze’s pyromaniac nature means Amy is frequently confiscating these items from her so that she can’t do anything really fricken stupid like burn a building down… again.