Shifting through the clouds, making his skin the same tone as the clouds above, a deep ominous gray that was steadily turning into a darker hue, he kept his vision on her path. He had observed her walk from the bakery to her own home many evenings now, and sometimes even in the early hours before the sun had risen, he would follow her in the early morning mists, staying a gray so as to be undetectable to the human eye. However, it had always been on the street, and even before his obsession with human kind had made her his significant choice of his next target, he had never seen her take another way. He laughed to himself, and the thunder rumbled in unison, and as he realized his opportunity had finally come to him, his dark laughter grew, and the thunder vibrated the ground that the female was running on. As soon as she got into the woods far enough, he knew he could come down from the sky without risk of a witness in the area. His keen senses did a sweep around as he dove down from the sky, making sure there were no runners out during the storm in the woods. His deep dark wings went lean, pressing into his shoulder blades and elongated spine as he went spiraling down in a careful dive. He landed on his taloned feet, fully aware he was in his more primal demon form. He landed so with such, that a tree snapped and fell, but luckily lightning had touched base near by, so later after the storm the human inhabitants of this area would believe that it was indeed damage from the storm. He stood there, waiting, for her to come into view, not hiding his deep crimson black skin, letting himself be fully visible. In his primal state, he stood to be about 8'5'', and his wings slowly spread out to be their full span, each wing being approximately 4' wide from his spine. The rain pelted down from above, slickening his skin, which already gleamed almost black, with just a touch of a deep crimson hue here and there. His jaw line was stong, and his nosed was neither large nor small, but fit his facial structre just so. His eyes were a deep emerald green, and he stared ahead, his arms folded over his prominent upper abs, his hands clasped together. The fallen tree was before him, and he knew soon she would be just on the other side. His emerald eyes stared foreward, waiting for that initial reaction. He had never revealed himself to a female human, always a male, and their reactions gauged from cowardly to overly confident, and it never seemed to end well for them. His anticipation rose, and his already erect shoulders threw themselves back even more, so that his wings became tightly spread as much as possible. His silken silver pants hung just so from his waist, his lines on either side of his lower stomach seeming to dip into a V shape past his pant line. He wore no shoes on his taloned feet. His hair was tied back into a low ponytail, a jet black color, sleek and straight, and even pony tailed it hung to the middle of his long spine. He could smell her, and the smell left the want for her sweat, which would be lost within the rain.