[b][center]~|Day 2: 11:56-12:10 GST|~ ~|Aboard the Kaggath, Prison Complex: Khan Sainen|~[/center][/b] Khan had been more than a little distracted, taking in the details of the room that was apparently to be their sleeping quarters and assessing them. He had frankly expected something a little more dungeon-like, though that seemed to be a running theme with him and his observations so far in terms of this whole experience. The beds actually looked comfortable enough, which he supposed was important for everybody's morale. Unfortunately there seemed to him to be a lack of anything that could be considered a viable improvised weapon when a possible time for escape came around. Well, unless the young Echani particularly felt like attempting to pillow-fight his Sith captors to the death. The thought almost made him chuckle in spite of himself, although mainly his stance shifted to a more amused one. He did, at least in the back of his mind, take in the fact that someone had mentioned there were perhaps half a dozen prisoners on board in addition to the ones in the room. He should probably try and meet all of them, at some point. If he had to fight, it seemed increasingly likely that his skills and body would be his only weapons when the time came. That was fine, he'd been training his whole life to do just that and- Oh, someone had asked him his name! A Canisha apparently, one who seemed to be suffering from some sort of semi-debilitating injury, but whose stance nevertheless seemed rather bright, relaxed and happy by his estimates. Naturally this brightened the young Echani's own mood considerably, although he was already surprisingly full of energy. "I'm Khan Sainen! I've only recently arrived, but apparently there was a big riot earlier! A lot of us will be staying here, right? That means we'll probably have a good chance to meet the other prisoners soon enough! Then we can all exchange whatever we know and get to know each other, at least!" Again, it irritated him just slightly that hardly anybody knew how to properly introduce themselves outside of the Echani, but then again this Canisha seemed injured, so an introductory sparring session would probably have been a bad idea. "Then again, even if we do get to know each other and figure out our situation it's not like we have weapons to fight back with...well, unless you want to help me pillow-fight the Sith to death!" The thought had been bouncing around in his brain a little since he first had it, and besides that a little humor couldn't hurt too much right? This Knight Denso had shown that much when Khan was first brought aboard, at least.