[quote=@Hipster] this is incredibly nostalgic, when I was like. I used to play Dragon age all the time. also is this a prequel to dragon age origins?. just a small question [/quote] I know that feel. I read The Stolen Throne, which is the first of the Dragon Age novels. Written by David Gaider, who is the lead writer for the games. Very good book, by the way. I recommend it. Anyway, I digress. I read the book, which is set during the Ferelden Rebellion, and it made me really want to run a game set during that time. And yes, it technically is a prequel. ^^ It's set during the Ferelden rebellion against the Orlesian occupiers, which ended thirty years before Origins. I do plan on running a Blight campaign after this one though. It'll be set in the same "world" as this rp, so your characters from this rp are actual figures from history.