"HALT! Don't fucking move!" a voice boomed from down the tunnel, followed by a bright light like a sun suddenly appearing before the three. It was a damned searchlight! In a tunnel! Why not just shoot the three survivors in the eyes, it'd be more merciful... The tone of the man who'd yelled at them was one of worry, almost. There were no gunshots, just that ridiculous light blotting out whoever and whatever was behind it. "They're humans, you jackass! Turn that thing off!" an older man barked. "You've been waiting for an excuse to use that thing ever since they set it up!" The light was turned off quite sharpish after that, dimming the tunnel considerably again. Raisa had been cursing the whole time the light blinded her, and that continued as she knelt down to rub her stinging eyes, the Major's volume overpowering the angry young woman. "Are we welcome or not?!" The older man on the guard post shifted the barbed wire aside and waved the three through, "Sorry about the temporary blindness, a rare mutant attack happened about two hours ago. The kid here is freaking out." The Major cursed and started on his way through the guard post. When Raisa recovered she'd follow along too. [I]'Mutant attacks...?'[/I] Had the horde from Kuzminki really come this far into the metro in such short a time? Something must have baited them if that was the case. It could be assumed the bandit station between Volgogradsky Prospekt and Kuzminki was currently in a state much like a slaughterhouse by now. "Both of you be ready to move at a moments notice. Just a safety precaution. The experience in Kuzminki was too close, wasn't it, Sokov?" The Major chuckled as the sound of a guitar became clearer ahead, and the smells of warm metro food cooking filled the air. Perhaps this place wouldn't be so bad to take a rest at. Raisa nodded at the old man's dark humour, though remained silent as they moved closer and closer to the safety of the station. She had a bad feeling, but what from, she couldn't tell herself.