As it sits, Lucien can barely maintain his composure around a dwarf on a mule. Their short but sturdy frames looked so out of place on the back of an animal that it was funny. But a dwarf almost falling off a mule? That tore it, and if Glodin asked why he was laughing, Jakorian was going to tell him exactly why. The Cleric was chuckling to himself as he mounted one of the larger steeds, a gray, dappled stallion that looked to be slightly on the older side, but appeared to be alert... well, as alert as a horse can be. He grabbed the reins of three nearby equines and guided them to his side, and took a glance down at Cythlla. [color=goldenrod]"I know you will be riding Henry to Thanermere, but it's no use walking back to the tavern."[/color] He knew he'd regret it, but since there wasn't a beast short enough for her to get on at this point, he held his hand out to the necromancer to pull her up onto his horse.