[h1]Benjamin Lloyd (BASL Dorms)[/h1] Ben tossed Amy the only set of clothes that were within his reach, given their relative proximity, but he wasn't paying much attention. Another Ibuprofen went down the hatch with a swallow of energy drink before the bottle went the same way as Amy's clothes. In times of scarce painkiller supplies, all shared. And [i]man[/i] were supplies scarce, after the day they'd had. Amy's migraine, Ben and Lauren's mutual knockout in Combat Training... Sangue was the only one not currently suffering from one source of pain or another, and it was hard to say who had it worst. Ben's money was on Amy. At least the rest of them had already passed the source of their pain. Amy's was a constant, never-ending noise. Still, Ben didn't waste much time thinking about it. More important things to be done, he reminded himself as he pulled his shoes back on. He hadn't bothered to ditch the rest of his uniform, so he was pretty much set to go. Though there was one thing he needed to do... He grabbed Artorius and Lawnslot from their place next to his nightstand, and in a few deft moves, popped both of them open to remove two small cylinders. One of which he tossed to Lauren, the other he pocketed. "If you could carry that around while we're out, Lauren, that's be great. Mission soon, and I'm never going to be at 100% if it's leeching off of me constantly. I can take the other one." Without waiting for a response, he pushed himself off of his bed and clapped his hands. "Anyway. Bastille, let's get going!"