Name: Anya Sandrow-Caper Age: Looks 13, is really 200. Gender: Female(Duh) Bio: Anya was a normal girl growing up, went to a nice school and had plenty of friends. 'Course, things were a lot different back then, vampires however never really change. She was abducted late one night while she was walking home from a friends house, by what she never fully knew until after it was over. She was nearly drained and left on the brink of death in an alleyway, luckily she was found by a police offer and rushed to a hospital. She recovered fully, and at a surprisingly fast rate. It wasn't until a few weeks after she got home did..things..begin to happen. She slaughtered her parents in a rage of blood-lust, terrified at what she'd done and what would happen if anyone found out, she ran away. She lived in the streets, using the occasional passerby and homeless person, traveling from city to city. A little over a hundred years passed, and she was eventually taken in by the Capers. They her. They taught her how to control her blood-lust, fit in with society, and cared for her. Living on the streets and the trauma from killing her own parents had changed her however, far beyond any psych ward or teaching could cure. It'd warped her, turned her slightly sadistic and mental, and gave her a..'useful' skill-set. Eventually, she became the families hit-man. In theory, she was perfect. No one would ever suspect a cute little girl would murder them, until of course it was too late. Her particular use, was of course, concealed from the other families. And now, here we are. The older family members being killed, the ones who had raised her and cared for her all these years. And she was [i]not[/i] happy. Personality: Straight up yandere and sadistic, generally carefree and happy as well. Needless to say, she's a bit odd. Appearance:[IMG][/IMG] Other: Given the fact she's the families hit-man, she has two knives hidden. One in her boot and one in a hidden holster under her shirt. She's afraid of losing other family members and gets upset fairly easily.