[@Oak7ree] great, you can add 'Lieutenant Commander' Conwood to the Characters tab. Sorry about the rank change, CETM uses Naval officer rankings. On that note, [@KatherinWinter], Griffin's rank will be Ensign. All Colossus characters are technically 'Naval Aviators' like those who pilot aircraft from aircraft carriers. So just a heads up to everyone, I recently put up an Interest Check for this RP and recruited 3-4 new players with very specific character requests. [@Oak7ree]'s character is the Colossus pilot that helped take down EO2. As Walker Rex was the first Colossus and proved successful, [@KatherinWinter]'s colossus and the ones it will combine with are Colossus Mark 2 in a sense, an attempt to improve upon an already successful platform. Two others, [@iDunbanFan] and [@vFear] should be making Colossus pilots whose Colossi will combine with [@KatherinWinter]'s. They should be contacting you to collaborate on mech design and such if they have not done so already. And lastly, we will be getting another Titan character, whose powers will come from EO1. EDIT: The Titan chaaracter will be played by [@GingerBoi123]