Shrugging, Atticus answered Loki simply with: [color=00aeef][b]"Kinda. Never had a doctor poke around all over me. Do they really do that thing where they take their thumb and stick it up your-"[/b][/color] he stopped as a girl he'd never met before suddenly commented on his height. Somewhat unnerved by how curious the one-armed girl was about his height, he responded simply with: [color=00aeef][b]"L-London, I'm from London. It's err..."[/b][/color] pausing for a moment, he thought about it, and the fact that this conversation might go better places than where a prostate exam takes place. Not wanting to leave Loki out, he asked: [b]"Say, where you from Loki?"[/b], genuinely curious. Once he'd gotten his answer, he'd nod and introduce himself to the one armed girl. [color=00aeef][b]"Name's Atticus. What's your's?"[/b][/color] he'd say, before perking up, hearing his name be called to room C. Having the decency to wait for the girl's answer, he'd move to go to the testing room, saying: [color=00aeef][b]"Well, I'll be back once this is all over. Good luck on your test guys."[/b][/color] as he stepped forward, walking at a brisk pace to get in there and ask the examiner a very important question. [color=00aeef][b]"D-Does the campus have a laundromat somewhere? I something on my uniform?"[/b][/color]