[h2]Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel[/h2] Arms crossed over his chest, emerald eyes glancing around him, he walked in a tall stride, despite his short stature. Slightly feeling at his throat, feeling the choker underneath and hidden under the creme colored scarf. A ever so faintly glowing Lacrima in the center front. Still, he made sure his scarf hid it well. However, he felt a bit lost. Unsure which way was which. The layout was simple though, won't be too hard to figure out. Pausing as he came across Jarvis, his emerald gaze narrowed slightly at the sight of the older man. Closing his eyes for a moment he looked to Jarvis and walked up to him. [color=springgreen]"....Morning Jarvy. Everything alright?"[/color] he asked calmly, before hearing Jamie speak from what he assumed was downstairs. [color=springgreen]"Guess GM is calling a meeting."[/color] he mused. --- [h2]Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel[/h2] [@Caits] It had been quite the event last night. They danced, they talked, they laughed, then Michael pretty much passed out. Prince had to carry the boy. It was a good thing Prince was bigger, he wasn't quite built to be the man who carried people all the time. Human's varied in weight. Michael was pretty lean though so it was fine. Currently, Prince lying next to Michael, having carried him to his room. Wearing only his pants, his jacket and hat resting on a chair. It would be amusing to see Michael's reaction, even if Prince didn't actually do anything to him. [color=aqua]"Morning Cutie~ Sure was fun last night eh?"[/color] The tall feline grinned innocently.