[h3]Mayt Derrin Marris --- Phoenix Wing Hotel[/h3] Mayt would lurch awake at the knocking and calling to get up and head downstairs. He would unintentionally grab his sword and waive it around at the empty air about the room before letting drop to the floor again. Sighing, Mayt slowly got to he feet and pushed his way on to the bathroom. Freshening himself up quickly, he moved back out of the bathroom and looked around the room he had just spent the night sleeping in. His dreams had been quite troubled, and he didn't at all enjoy them, especially the ones that involved killing people in cold blood. After a long moment Mayt managed to take fairly accurate inventory as tow hat was in the room, and he gave it a nod as he re-attacked his sword to his belt and headed out of his room. He would just have to come back and change later, since it seemed whatever Master Jamie had in mind was Important. The hallway was being filled with people as they woke up and started on their trek to the main room of the Hotel. Mayt joined them in this great journey, pushing against the people in his way somewhat roughly to move past them as quickly as he possibly could. It wasn't long until he had gotten most of the way down, and he saw that two individuals who had just come in and made quite an entrance. That seemed like it could be amusing, and after a fairly short mental battle, Mayt decided that he should go and talk to them. He needed the inter-personal interaction, especially now that he was a S-Class wizard of PHoenix Wing. Forcing a grin, he started to walk towards them. His left hand would be being raised up to wave a hello, and his right would be naturally resting on his sword scabbard, just below the crossbar of the katana contained within. [color=50c787]"Welcome back, I guess. You two must've been gone for a while, because I honestly don't recognize either of you two. I'm Mayt Marris."[/color] He'd hold his hand out to the two, seemingly unworried about everyone else around them. [@Leslie Hall]