Once all are settled – the angel holding his brother's hand, Homura going over and over the wounded child, Dani poking at the little demon that, by all rights, has no place in this group of half angels – Issho lets out a soft sigh and begins brushing his fingers over and over his littlest brother's blood splattered forehead. He sends gently magics into the child's mind and body, reinvigorating him and refueling his demonic energy. He had fought well and sure, Issho only bringing an end to it once he was sure Kuro would fight to the death for this cause. [i]'He is an honorable little one. Something missing from most of my siblings'[/i] He eyes Dani at the thought and then looks to the angel. There share gazes for half a second before Aoba looks away, obviously still frightened, but his whisper of thanks moments before brings a soft smile to the arch demon's face. Speaking in a voice much softer, and kinder, than ever before, Issho murmurs, “It's alright angel. Kuro will be fine, and I am not angry. Nor will he be upon waking. You should be proud of him.” He looks to the angel, waiting to catch his eye. Once he does, he goes on. “You will not understand this, and you are an angel, but this fight was necessary. You have your ways, and we have our, and Kuro accepts them, and did what he did admirably and with a conviction that is completely missing in most demons.” Dani snorts. “I have conviction!” he huffs, poking Kyou one last time with his foot before flopping behind Homura and resting against his blind brother's back. “I am tenacious and never give up!” It's clear from his tone that he knows that his words are not completely true, and Homura chuckles softly at the sound. Dani growls but falls quickly silent at a look from Issho making sure that there is no scuffling right here next to their recovering sibling. ~*~*~*~*~ His eyes are a little wide as he tries to imagine such a violent society being completely normal, to anybody, [b]especially[/b] to those related to angels by blood, but other than a faint feeling he comes up blank in his musings. The faint feeling is distant, foggy, and unsure, but he knows it has something to do with similarities he's seen between the two races. Of course the vast majority of his mind rails against the very idea, but he can not shake the itch, and he stops trying, focusing on the scene below as Kuro stirs. ~*~*~*~*~ Clutching the fingers in his own Kuro groans and shifts, taking slow breaths as his eyes slowly drift open. His eyes first fall on the brother whose lap he's in and a very faint smile finds it's way to his lips. Then, his fingers flex, and he looks over to see Aoba holding his hand. He face lights up like a star and he murmurs, “Hello Little Mouse. . .Going to yell at me now, or going to wait until big bro here's gone so he doesn't eat you?” He chuckles. “Nah, nah, Issho wouldn't eat you. . .” “I'm a big bro, and I would!” Dani calls, coming around Homura and grinning wickedly at his little brother. Issho gives him an exasperated look but remains smiling softly, his fingers now wiping away little tracks of blood on Kuro's cheeks.