Muorra stopped abruptly when this stranger tumbled down the stairs. It was most definitely sure that he was not from around the neighborhood - or from the neighboring villages either and that he had had a few drinks too much. He looked down and just barely saved his new white shirt from getting an ugly ale colored stain. In confusion of the moment his pint had begun to tilt to a dangerous direction. At first the man who's rum was being devoured didn't notice. When he heard the knock of the wood upon the bottle hitting the table he realized what just happened. [color=gold]"Hey!"[/color] the man reacted. [color=gold]"That was mine!"[/color] The stranger had already moved on and slapped a passing waitress. The sweet girl froze mid air and turned red in her face but the stranger did not see that. Once he voiced his desire for pleasurable company the nearest tables turned to look at him. Muorra also returned his attention to the sex hungry drunk. Fair Maiden was a pub. Not a brothel. [color=khaki]"I don't know what the women find attractive where you come from but that dance wont get you a keg to please you"[/color], Muorra spat from the back of his mind. He bursted a short loud laughter out that made sure the pub's attention was at the now rather unstable visitor if he had gone unnoticed until now. Then he turned to continue his way to the table where the storytelling had seized for the time of the episode. Pub wide laughter accompanied his exit from the situation.