Rokun nodded at the robed figure once more and fell into step beside him. Glancing to the side, he noticed the work site and saw one of the workers staring up at them. Something about him twigged his instincts as someone to watch... though he couldn't say why. Turning back to Saidor, he began in a business like tone, [color=aqua]"If I am to be security chief, there is some information that I require. I will need a full layout of current security measures, equipment, any other security officers, workforce, and schedules. I will need to know what sort of threats that are posed to this site. I will also require your assurance that should any situation arise that I deem a security issue, everyone here, yourself included, will follow my orders, when I give them and to the letter. As far as pay is concerned, I will need a 500 credit retainer, and 50 credits a day, plus any expenses I feel needed, which I will give to you in an itemized list for your approval. Any questions?"[/color]