David had risen from the bed and walked out of the office when he'd heard the starship pass through the forcefield into the hangar. Aleko was coming down the ramp almost before it had come down. David could sense his fear dissipating. He had been concerned for his Master, and maybe his relief caused his excessively formal greeting. But then, maybe Aleko was just like that. "Disturbance would put it mildly, I think." David peered around Aleko and saw one of his other apprentices, Huleez, walking more serenely down the ramp. She quickened her pace(though not was much as Aleko had) when David beckoned her. He gestured at his wounds, pausing the conversation at hand for a moment. "I did my best, but maybe you could try..?" His right arm was the worst, still barely usable, the wound on his other arm and leg were minor. Huleez, shorter than both and the only alien in the new Order, went to work, putting her hands without hesitation on David's body, starting with his arm. He made no indication that he felt anything, pain or relief, from her ministrations. "Where's Fiona? This is important and I need you all here." (( [@nano627] ))