-cries over title because of RWBY- gdi Nora! -clears throat- anyway, hello! I'm a person... yeah... I love anime, especially otome game based anime, and I also like manga and videogames~! I figured I should do this, because I haven't yet, so yeah. I could totally provide a list of things I've played/watched/read, in terms of games, anime, and manga, but it would be a very long list... I love to rp, and I can do high casual and lower. I've been RPing since March 3rd (this year actually). -cries emotional tears- It was such a good day... I love a lot of different type of RPs. I can go from horror, to slice of life, and romance is usually a must, but I can totally live if it doesn't happen. Also I'm a pie loving girl. Give me all the pie. Please and thank you.