[hider=Wyatt Abrahms][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Wyatt Abrahms[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Sparky, Abe Wilson[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]22[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]6'2"[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]136 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]The Iron District[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Blond[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Light Blue[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Caucasian[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]It certainly wouldn't take a detective to figure out this young man was very troubled. Wyatt has a distinctly lanky body that was certainly underweight and bordering on malnourished; hidden very poorly by the over sized, baggy jeans and hoodie he is almost always seen wearing. He has a short shock of bright blond hair that can permanently be seen standing on end; a remnant of the high amount of charge his body often holds. In addition to this, he keeps his face clean shaven to avoid this same exact problem. He often attempts to obscure his hair in an attempt to hide this strange property. His face is long and thin, matching the rest of his body. His skin is a pasty white and his eyes have very dark bags under them, obvious to everyone that the young man doesn't sleep nearly enough to stay physically healthy. Despite his otherwise unhealthy appearance, he seems to have stellar hygiene with bright teeth and a clear complexion.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]When not working, Wyatt wears generally similar clothes all the time. A pair of cargo shorts with a solid color T-shirt and a pair of cheap black shades. If going somewhere at night he might add a cheap looking hoodie, but his style choice leaves a lot to be desired regardless. He wears the same exact grey beanie every single day both to work and when he is out on his own business. He does this to keep his wild hair in check. The only obviously abnormal piece of clothing he wears is the black electrican gloves that he constantly wears when venturing outside.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Outwardly, Wyatt would be very reserved. Due to his background he has to deal with a lot of 'new' people in his life and not a lot of them have had his best interests at heart. When meeting anyone new he will keep them at a distant arms length emotionally and socially until he can learn to deal with them individually. This natural inversion is complimented by a soft voice that is often overlooked in larger conversations. Despite his aversion to new people and soft voice, Wyatt isn't a shrinking violet by any means and is perfectly willing to stand up for himself. Though polite and respectful when people first approach him, he will be quick to push them away if they get pushy or aggressive, even resorting to violence if necessary to keep people away. This absence of friends, by his own hand, has left Wyatt a lonely man and he will often spend all night sitting throughout the city people watching to get his social 'fix'. This loneliness has recently become a bit darker, leaving the man rather depressed and fighting to stay productive in his day to day life. Though currently heavy on his shoulders, he is at nature normally optimistic and cheerful. Circumstance has driven him to this point more then a natural predilection towards depression. Not that his personality shifts, but when he adsorbs a large sum, an amount unspecified and unknown to Wyatt, of electricity into his body, his outward demeanor will change drastically. Akin to someone taking a large amount of methamphetamine, his inhibitions are lowered drastically and the self-made walls crumble incredibly quickly. Also when energy intake spikes like that it begins misfiring electrical impulses in his brain leading to muscle twitches and erratic brain activity. This along with a swift rush of Dopamine from the overflow of electrical impulses in the brain will often leave him delirious and irrational. This state of being is not just addicting but also incredibly hard to resist. His ability to draw on electrical sources for their energy is ever present and he is incapable of stopping it to some degree, leading to a situation akin to leaving a recovering junkie with his drug of choice twenty-four seven and hoping he doesn't relapse. His fear of doing just that is part of his growing isolationist personality and willingness to eschew the more natural side of his being. This leads into a whole mess of other problems that evolved from his dependence issues and addiction issues which can easily spread to both other substances and to how he deals with people. Though the whole slew of problems isn't something Wyatt is especially cognizant of, he does make an attempt to lead as simple of a life he can with as little interaction as he can in an attempt to cope with it. His problems are only further complicated when you get a look under the hood and into the way he thinks. His inability to deal with new people stems from a lifetime in foster care and a childhood as a deviant. This sadly left him with few social skills that are applicable in the adult world, especially a world where he is considered a rare bread of person with special inexplicable powers. This lack of social skills in the past has lead to his over-reliance on his power to bring him happiness. But just as anyone that finds their happiness from unhealthy means, this all came crashing down in a specific instance in his past. He has decided to abstain from heavily abusing the 'high' his power gives him when used liberally and to keep it in check at all times. He has been largely successful in this task, only 'falling off the wagon' once after the incident, and that was to defend himself against a mugger. Despite this, he is wracked with depression, his over-reliance on his ability has left his dopamine receptors stunted requiring those failure high-voltage currents to provide the same kind of happiness he used to have. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]- Reading - People Watching - Tinkering with clockwork[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]- Is rather perceptive and able to spot small obscure details - Is able to stay awake for incredible amounts of time, though this is a side effect more than a talent - Can jump start a car! Though using powers might be cheating [/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]A Small wooden cross necklace that was all he received from his birth mother[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT][i]"I can't be happy, it's just not something I can do like other people."[/i][/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT][hider= Wyatt Abrahms' History] Wyatt's earliest memories revolve around a secluded orphanage in Mendel, Louisiana. As far as he can remember he was happy there. They didn't seem to mind him draining all the energy from the toys and the constant supply of batteries they had to buy from the store. In fact, there were a lot of kids that were kind of strange like him! This time of his life is so fuzzy now, the electricity he feeds of just make things so hard to remember but he was sure that at some point a group of armed men took him out of this orphanage, separating him from all his old friends and the friendly white-coat men. As he grew older he hopped around orphanages quite a lot. At this point he was told to keep his powers secret and try not to bring too much attention to himself. He was scared of the men that took him from his original home and was certain to do what they said, no matter how hard it ended up being. It was around this time that questions of his real parents began to plague him. Why did they abandon him? Why didn't they come back? Why did all they leave me was a stupid necklace. During one of the nights at an orphanage in Baton Rogue he managed to find his way back to the breaker box near the back of the building. The why's and how's he managed to get back there would be questions raised again and again but as young kids do, they always find a way to get where you don't want them too. The humming from that little box was so loud, and it smelled tantalizing. With gluttony befitting the addict he would later become, he gorged on the energy of the Orphanage, causing a blackout throughout the building. In the overwhelming pleasure and rapture of the energy coursing through his young body, he began to 'play'. Lightning shooting from his hand in that orphanage basement, he scorched everything in sight. His jubilation quickly turned to fear as the energy ran out of the 'box of magic' and he realized the flames that were quickly engulfing the building. As the flames continued to roar and firefighters in their big red truck came in to fight against the soaring flames, Wyatt was once again stolen away by the armed men. He was kept by them in what seemed more like a prison than anything to the young boy. There was much talk amongst the scary people about an "Academy Program" but he was always deemed to unpredictable to risk it as they put it. Eventually another option was found, and he was carted off across the border to the Amish community of Bee County, Texas. It was here that he met Mary and David Abrahms his new foster parents. Though life in the Amish community was quiet, it felt very incomplete for Wyatt. Disregarding the fact that adoption wasn't particularly accepted in his new home and he never fit in amongst the Amish people. The bigger problem was how much he missed the electricity of the modern world. By now he had entered and begun to pass through his teenage years and his body physically yearned for the missing 'thing' from his youth. Every time he tried to talking with his foster parents about it they quickly scolded him and beat him, attempting to instill their religious doctrine into the teenage boy. It wasn't until the next life shaping incident struck Wyatt that this cycle of longing came to a close. Torrential rains slammed against Wyatt's window in his tiny room. He had been locked in here for the entire day by his Foster Parents, they did this every time a storm came through. Being Fifteen now he knew this was because those NEST agents told them to those guys that kept coming by every year to run tests on him and such. They were worried what he would do if he got near a lightning storm. Honestly, at this point, Wyatt was too. He was sick of the abuse he suffered at the hands of these ignorant people that wanted to call themselves his family. He had long ago decided he was going to try something, anything the next time a storm passed through. Timing it with the booms of thunder, he cracked the lock on his window and flung himself out into the rain. Dashing far away from his home he headed towards where the town met the nearby grove of woods, before sitting down upon the muddy ground. The hum in the air was masked by the torrential rains, but to Wyatt it was still very audible. For the first time in many years he felt the familiar pull of his power, the hunger it always left in the core of his body, and boy was he -starving-. He yanked as hard at the sky as he could and the sky didn't need very much convincing as it was looking for a place to strike anyway. Wyatt was immediately struck by the sense that he had made a grave, grave mistake and he kicked the molten lava out of his body the moment it seared into him. The expected white rush of pleasure was disappointingly replaced by the black veil of unconsciousness. When he awoke it was to fire and smoke. The flames tore into the wooden Amish village and though not spreading quickly, thanks to the slowing rains, left at least half the small village on fire. Turning around, the copse of tree's had not fared much better serving as a massive blaze against the darkness of the storm. In a fit of terror befitting a youth of his age, he ran as far as he could. The next few years were a blur to him. He had to constantly keep an eye over his shoulder for NEST agents surely on the lookout after the massive destruction he had caused. Evading them multiple times, but each only by the skin of his teeth, he lived a squalid life moving forward. He had become hooked on his own power at this time. Better than any drug the gangs he ran with could give him; sitting at high volts was like permanent meth for the young adult. He lived for thrill, and nothing could shake him. His high ridding days came crashing to a halt, as they always seem to do, when he met a girl. The love was furious and passionate, but it was so-so short. Ending in a tragedy that shook Wyatt in a way to change the very nature of the man he had become, he was once again fleeing from flames. Finally, six years after the burning of his foster home, he found himself far away from the swampy lands of Louisiana and East Texas. He had sworn off his power, never to abuse it again, and moved to a sunny city on the west coast with the cheapest housing and furthest distance from his old home he could possibly find. Verthaven. In the once prosperous and now defunct Iron District he managed to find a flea-bag apartment that he could hobble together enough money to stay in. With barely running water and certainly no electricity, it was the perfect place for the reforming Wyatt. Signing both the lease and his future employment contract with the fake name "Abe Watson" he began living in the sunny city. It was only after a long search, leading him all over Verthaven, that he found work in one of the most unlikely of places. Deep inside Chinatown, just a short walk from his apartment, he found a fairly quaint cleaners that offered him a position. Akemi Shinoda, the owner of the cleaning store, eventually allowed Wyatt to work as a delivery boy for her shop. Incredibly and perhaps even a bit suspiciously, she didn't require proper identification materials or pass him up for being outside the ethnic comfort zone for shops in this area of town. Though incredibly grateful for the steady paycheck and always sure to arrive on time for his work; Wyatt can't help but be a bit suspicious of his employer and her motives for bringing him on board.[/hider][/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships:[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Birth Mother/Father - Unknown Foster Mother: Olivia Abrahms - Disowned Foster Father: Gregory Abrahms - Disowned[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent](Will continue to update as the IC moves forward.) - Shizuka Takashiro | Uncertain | Employer's Nephew; The Grey Haired One | "{Character Thoughts via in-character quote}" - Haruka Takashiro | Uncertain | Employer's Nephew; The Brown Haired One | "{Character Thoughts via in-character quote}" - Akemi Shinoda | Neutral | Mysterious Employer | "{Character Thoughts via in-character quote}"[/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental: Energy[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT][i]Electricity[/i] Wyatt's power has been present since his youth; an aching hunger gnawing at him constantly, a buzzing in his ears that never really goes away, the shaking in his muscles when he doesn't get a chance to [i]eat[/i]. He can sense electrical currents as a sort of presence in the air and it appears to him in all his senses as something he has a very hard time explaining to people unlike him. He can feel the electrons zipping around in the walls of his house and smell the lightning in the storm. More than sensing these energies he can take them for himself, must take them for himself, and as such drains the energy from electrical devices rapidly. Outside of his control his body will constantly due this causing the lights to dim or short in poorly wired locations along with the inability to operate any electrical device for more than a few moments, or a bit longer while heavily concentrating. In addition to this background draining his power can be more consciously controlled. - [i]Consume[/i]: The most basic and the first function of his power. Wyatt can absorb the electrical energy inside something and store it within his body for an uncertain amount of time (Though higher amounts of energy dissipate much quicker than lower amounts). energy Wyatt holds, the more negative repercussions he begins to face.Wyatt can ambiently absorb energy without much effort in fairly size able amounts, but to consume higher volumes of electricity requires bodily contact and as such can only be done from immediate range. The higher the volume of - [i]Expel[/i]: Something that Wyatt has learned to do fairly recently he can suddenly and violently eject any stored energy he has in a singular direction, attempting to strike a target in sight, though difficult to aim it has the potential to deliver highly debilitating to lethal amounts of electricity at a distance. The accuracy of such attacks is directly linked to the amount of energy expended. Roughly enough energy to stun someone would be relatively easy to aim and control, but enough to maim would be wildly inaccurate. Alternatively he can attempt to touch the person he is attempting to [i]Expel[/i] the energy into to take out the very difficult to aim portion at the cost of range. - [i]Static[/i]: Again a relatively new and untested ability where Wyatt can instead of channeling the energy in a direction or through his body, he can channel it into the air immediately surrounding him. This can allow him to create an electrical field directly around him that can help in certain situations. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]- The first and most literal limit of his power is the amount of energy he can hold in his body at one time. This would be his biggest strength out of all the forms of measurement as he has been recorded by NEST as holding a singular lightning bolt inside his body before releasing it and setting fire to about half of the Bee County, Texas Amish community. This is on the magnitude of 5000 Megawatts (A ridiculous amount of energy to be sure.) This is the upper limit of the amount of electrical energy he can hold within his body. - The more confining Limit of his ability is not really -how much- he can hold but -how long- working in a function similar to watt-hours but in reverse. The higher the amount of electricity the less time he can hold it inside of him before expelling it. A good example of this is only being able to hold something akin to 5000 megawatts for fraction of a second while he can hold something more akin to the power of a modern appliance near indefinitely (He isn't a perfect circuit so the energy will leak out of him slowly.) -He is highly limited in what he can actually do with the electricity once he has absorbed it, so tricky and minute control of his abilities is far out of the realm of possibility. As for the mechanics of how he uses these abilities in a fight or otherwise; He can 'shoot' the electricity as a bolt but it is inaccurate as the amount of energy put into the bolt increases the accuracy decreases and the lightning is very likely to branch off to a proper conductor like a lightning rod. He can also physically discharge his stored electrical energy via touch and this is (for obvious reasons) more reliable and more dangerous considering the poor physical shape he is in. - Electricity expelled from his body will quickly dissipate to the nearest conductive surfaces and as such has a relatively short range when compared to many other powers. This can be visualized by a bolt arcing out lesser streaks of electrical energy to the ground/ceiling as it travels towards it's target. - His ability to use his power is incredibly relative to his position. If he is in the middle of a power plant or a thunderstorm he becomes incredibly dangerous to deal with. His position in a modern day mall would be of medium danger, with electrical appliances in reach but not the absurd amounts of power generated in places dedicated to the creation of that power. Place him in a secluded area underground, in the water, in a desert, or anywhere he can't touch an electrical device and he becomes near useless. - His Static ability may be able to ward off some mental attacks, and interact strangely with abilities that are outside of current understand but it certainly can't stop a bullet and though it will give a knife wielder a hell of a shock it won't be able to stop that either. - Even though he can control great amounts of power, rivaling some of the most dangerous of Meta-humans, he can't change the power he controls. As such electricity still behaves exactly as it should and leaves him completely defenseless against properly insulated and grounded opponents. This along with the ability to drag him away from sources of electrical output leaves him the most harmless meta-human you can come across if you know what you are dealing with. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT] - His uselessness is further compounded by his unimpressive physical form. His many years of abusing his power to fight off hunger has left him lanky and without nearly any muscle mass to speak of. Channeling electricity through his body is both challenging and draining. In addition the only reliable way to discharge a truly damaging amount of power into someone is to be able to touch them, which is neigh impossible against a competent opponent. - His power harms him not just physically, but psychologically. Though it's immediate benefits in a fight or for recreational use are great, they also make him erratic and prone to poor decisions. - He cannot control electricity at any great level of detail. His control over it is far cruder than most people with talents similar to his. This lack of finesse comes the most to bear in his everyday life, as he can't even stop himself from draining the energy from nearby electronic devices, leaving them inert and battery less while around him. It also disallows him from attempting any fancy tricks such as putting a very specific amount of voltage into something to start it. - The continual discharging of electricity can leave him at minor burns in whatever area he channels the energy through. This can range from a minor discomfort to a major pain depending on the amount of voltage discharged. This can prove distracting in a high stress situation and causes his attacks to always act as a double edged sword. - It has been mentioned before, but it deserves restating that his power is an always on kind of deal. This causes him to quickly drain the energy out of any electrical device he comes in contact with. This can lead to severe communication problems where he isn't able to make use of earpieces in a battlefield environment or cell-phones in a casual environment. His energy consumption also can negatively affect people with similar electric based powers without him meaning it too. - A side-effect of being high-wired all the time is that he is very jumpy and can be scared easily. This might be minor, but if you are trying to sneak into somewhere and you bring Wyatt along, any little thing is enough to make him yelp and give away their position. - Another minor side-effect of his ability is that he always holds a static charge, enough to give someone a small shock if they touch him while he isn't consciously using his power and enough to begin to hurt while he is storing higher amounts of energy. This causes him to be incredibly difficult to apply first aid to, along with an ability for physical closeness. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]- Though thinking he had skipped out on town without anyone knowing, NEST would have easily kept track of him after moving to Verthaven and would certainly be keeping watch on someone with his destructive capabilities. - Anyone with connections with gangs could possibly heard of him and he certainly has pissed many of them off in the past.[/INDENT][/hider]