Throughout the day, Julius was mostly excited to meet the new roommate of theirs and to finally have a cottage again. Nevermind that it would take a few days, he was excited. He even planned to help the carpenters, as he had found 'detention' to be quite fun. Perhaps the crafts teacher would be one of the carpenters? Maybe they are senior students? Julius was starting to learn how things worked around Lauzurus. The students' well-being wasn't exactly the top priority, and instead [i]learning[/i] was number one. No matter the cost. Weaklings were expelled (or died in incidents/accidents) regularly, and now and then Julius could see the occasionally injured junior. The senior wore scars, too, he had noted. This truly is a scary school. So how did Lauzurus work? [i]Well[/i], Julius thought to himself, [i]the students are expected to take care of themselves, much like in Northwrack. I suppose this is a step further towards the extreme, however.[/i] Then came Trance Magic class. An interesting concept that Julius had heard some older students talking about, but in reality he had no clue whatsoever it was about. He simply had an open spot in his schedule for today and thought he would try out some different classes if he didn't find something fun. Much to his astonishment however, Julius found that trance magic was so much more than fun. It was exciting. Who would have thought that [i]dreaming[/i] and [i]meditating[/i] would be exciting? Losing himself to his dream, he drifted off into the north again. To his homeland. He wrapped a white cloak around Jenny Redoak, and the two shared a wonderous moment... Of course, when it was over Julius realized it had been a dream, but he felt strong. Confident. He had cleared his mind of most troubles and convinced himself he would pull through. Lauzurus wouldn't break him, like it had broken so many others. He accepted the fact that he will never know how and why his former room-mate Desmond, bless his soul, had died in such a way, and what really happened to him. That post-girl sure had been mysterious, skulking around in the dark around their camp... Though she was kinda cute?