[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhFkafqZj58[/url] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDfjXj5EGqI[/url] ( listen to both for immersion) Argus awoke to the sound of battle. He heard swords clashing onto shields, arrows hitting there targets, and the screams of wounded. He crawled out of his sleeping bag, and started putting on his Armour in record speed. He then looked around an saw his dagger and hammer where he had put them. grabbing them with ease he ran outside his tent to see what was going on. His eyes looked upon a battlefield that had been going on for some time. He saw Templars hacking each-other, and demons ripping soldiers to shreds. some wore Armour others had nothing but there tunics on, and some where even naked. He looked around and saw the castle in flames, flames poured out of windows and screams could be heard from inside. But before he could even move he saw his drinking buddy Robert. His face was covered in blood and his sword was drenched with blood. He looked at Argus that was full of hate and anger. He then screamed a battle cry and charged Argus. Argus was full of anger and disgust at Robert's betrayal. His hammer started to glow and the runes on it where as red as fire. Argus screamed his battle cry awaited Roberts attack. Robert swung his sword aiming at Argus's neck. Argus swung his hammer hitting the blade in the middle. The clash was so heavy that Robert was forced to take a few steps back to try to keep standing. He then looked then charged again doing the same tactic as he had done previously. However this would prove foolish. The sword had a huge dent in the middle and small drips of metal where dripping from it. Argus grinned as he hit the sword again. It shattered into bits, pieces of liquid metal flew everywhere and the rest of his blade was a mess of melting metal. Robert was so stunned by this that Argus attacked him again hitting him right side of his lower rib cage. Argus could hear the bones crack, and hit was so hard that Robert fell sideways landing on his back. Robert screamed not because of his broken ribs but because of his Armour that was burning away his flesh. The liquid metal turned darker as blood joined it. Argus looked at his former friend with pity and anger. He then raised his hammer and let it come down on Roberts chest plate. The chest-plate caved in and Argus screaming stopped. Argus pulled is hammer out of Roberts chest seeing the damage he had done. The metal had burned through Robert leaving a hole in his chest which blood was gushing out of. Robert looked at his hammer. The blood that had not been evaporated had fallen on the ground and the pieces of Armour where dripping of it. He looked at Robert one more time his face full of disgust. And turned away to see A wounded soldier which was lying against a tree. The man had stab wounds through his chest and blood was gushing out of them. Argus ran up to him and tried to stop the bleeding. However he was to late ad too much blood had been lost. The soldier looked at Argus and said."Run you fool." He then died holding a small locket in his hands. Argus grabbed it and saw a young women smiling. There was writing on it." From your loving wife Sera.[color=a36209]"Argus put it around his neck and said. " I swear that i will find your wife and deliver your dead. She may not see you again. But at least not wait for you."[/color] He turned around and ran into his tent. He grabbed some food and water which he had stored here in case of food shortage, And grabbed his bag, Which contained some money and maps of old holds he had explored. He then ran outside and started running as fast as his small legs could carry him. His tent was in the outskirts of the camp and was only a few tents away from the perimeter. He ran through the camp dodging soldiers and demons. He then made it out of the camp. He made it to the forest line and decided to take a few seconds to catch his breath. He then looked back and saw fire and flame. Then a small light shoot up into the sky. It then exploded and horrible screams invaded his ears. He just stood there terrified with fear.He then turned around and ran as quickly as he could. (turn of sounds) Argus had ran the whole night he only slowed time a few times to keep himself from falling unconscious. However time had taken its toll and Argus was half dead. He had been running for hours. and now the running had turned into slowly walking. He had looked into his maps(while running) and had decided that The Snow Mare Inn was the best place to rest. After what seemed like a century of walking. Argus finally entered the village which had the Inn located in it. He looked around as villagers where either boarding up there homes, Or leaving them. He saw a an old man sitting in his wheelchair enjoying the sun like it was any normal day. Argus Walked up to him and said. [color=a36209]" Excuse me for disturbing you but could you tell me if others of the order have made it here?[/color] The man opened his eyes and looked at Argus." A few of them yes. They where going for the Inn to rest i think."[color=a36209]" Thank you old man and if i may ask why are you not leaving your home. Surely you can see that this town is lost." [/color]The man laughed, and said." Look at me, How much time do you think i have left? I'm not about to run for the few remaining years i have left in this old body of mine." Argus nodded understanding the situation.[color=a36209]" May your death be swift then."[/color] The old man smiled and showed Argus a small bottle." If they enter my house i will already have joined my family." Argus was surprised how easy the man was talking about dying.[color=a36209]" Well i wont keep you from enjoying the sun then."[/color] He nodded and lay back in his chair enjoying that rays of light. Argus then walked on leaving the man to his fate. He Then saw the Inn and walked to it. Before he entered however he saw no other than. Knight Captain Evelyn Sunderland. He then noticed the wounded women, which seemed to have been through a hard spot. He then harrumphed and said[color=a36209]." My apologies for disturbing. My name is Argus Star crusher and i am Of the order. I managed to escape the slaughter just as you have. I hope that i might be able to help you on whatever you plan to do." [/color] Argus then looked at her for a response. He was however very tired which was very easy to see. [@TheDarkTemplar]