Man's stone brought him to the infirmary where he observed Apollo. The infirmary had a desk in one corner, with white curtains hung for privacy on either side of the cot. The front of the cot faced the place where the curtains weren't but the desk was. A small monitor sat atop the desk, along with papers. A folder also lay on the desk, with a file about Apollo. It also had his class schedule, dorm number, and his ranking. Man did a quick overview of his injuries and decided they were not worth being immediately fixed, so instead Man stayed in the shadows. The boy awoke sooner then he had expected. He immediately cursed which Man grimaced at. Apollo was lucky he didn't have any classes with Man or he would be immediately reprimanded for such disrespectful behavior. Apollo walked around for a bit, appearing to search for something he had lost. He then sat and finally noticed Man. Without even so much as an introduction, he asked Man if he'd seen a sword around. [b][color=gold]"Who do you think you are? You will talk to me with respect. You will introduce yourself, and then ask politely for my name. Then I will consider your requests."[/color][/b] Man said, enunciating each word perfectly, and punctuating each sentence with more finality then periods.