[quote=@TheHangedMan][hider= Azrael Arcana's Exam]Garrooth simply gave Azrael an acknowledging nod, before watching him move through the doors of flame. "The Labyrinth of Hope is open to all students, so long as they are courageous enough to enter again, though some spirits loath your presence here . . ." The voice of the spirit faded as Azrael passed through the doors, and with his entrance, it closed behind him, and at once the temperature dropped. Despite the intensity of the flames, they were cold and chilled to the bone. Azrael's breath came out in fogs of cold, and he was surrounded by nothing but darkness. A voice echoing around him called out: [color=a187be]"Please wait here, until your opponent finishes their initial exam, Mr. Arcana. Oh, and congratulations on a job well done. It's a pleasure to have you at our Academy."[/color] The voice was warm, in sharp contrast to his freezing surroundings, with a tone that would be familiar to everyone - it was a voice that everyone kept within them, a voice that they would instinctively recognize even if they had never experienced it before. A voice that cared, and a voice that soothed you, and lulled you to sleep, that protected you from the nightmares of the dark, and assured you when you needed it the most. A voice that all living things craved for, no matter the passage of time. The voice of a mother.[/hider] [/quote] Azrael slowly relaxed as he realized that he'd have a short time to put the last encounter behind him. Despite the cold of this plane, AA sat on the cold floor, coming to rest in a crossed leg position. Connecting his hands, fingers meeting fingers to form an 'o', the young man began to breath deeply, countering the chill with his own meditations. Soon, there was a small ring of fire around the lad, creating strong currents as these flames met their otherworldly counterparts. The two battled constantly, yet Azrael paid no heed, so engrossed in his trance. His energy resonated within himself, warding the effects this plane could do to his muscles. Fatigue was one issue, but cramping from too cold limbs would be a larger one if he didn't continue his easy exercise. His eyes were closed, not to be opened until he heard that warm voice once again. It was strange, how deeply that disembodied voice resonated within his soul, casting him farther back in his memories than he'd ever consciously been able to go. It brought to him a very powerful feeling of love as the tender touch of a feminine hand stroking his hair and the feeling of sleepy serenity as he napped on the lap of the owner of that very hand. This, more than his meditations, brought him a fierce strength and he felt the ring of fire grow higher and faster in its ever present circuit around him. He was ready for his next opponent, whoever they may be.