Ioannes prided himself on one of being the most skilled soldiers in the entire world - that was what the Mamluks were supposed to be. But his pride would be knocked back along with his body when Zargon made his feint - why? Because he would fall for it. Getting up after being knocked back, the Mamluk swung again at the demon, taking his sword in two hands now. He noticed the magic now enfolding him; there was a reason why the knockback hurt less than expected. Even in the heat of battle, Ioannes made the process of elimination; none among them except The Red could have cast the spells, and the soldier was sure the man didn't care enough to protect them. So, that meant Genevieve - not that he knew her name, had cast the spell. He also wasn't blind, he knew she was in a vulnerable position. But at the same time, he could not abandon the fight against the Demon! Once he had finished his swing, Ioannes/Yahya said to Ionathan and the guards: "Keep the Scholar safe while we deal with this!" [@The Harbinger of Ferocity], [@Jon Y], [@The Fated Fallen], [@IcePezz], [@ArenaSnow].