Cythlla looked up at Lucian, truth be told, Cythlla never liked Horses, or atleast she wasn't great at being on them. Being a Necromancer most horses panicked when she got on them. "I-I'm sorry, but I would rather not, Horses tend to get spooked when I'm on their backs." Cythlla said before going over to Henry who was right there. "Besides Henry is always here for me." Cythlla said with a smile as she got on Henry. Cythlla depended on Henry alot, some times more than she should, but Henry didn't mind much, being a spirit he would be there for her pretty much all the time anyways. As they got closer to the Inn Cythlla hadn't quite noticed all of the comotion. She just came running forward on Henry. "We're back!" Cythlla said with a smile on her face, she really was childish. Though sometimes she was Childish in a scary way. Despite her being 20 years old she looked much younger.