[color=8882be][i]Cin stumbled and fell as Iri's quick actions deprived him of a target to hit with his heavy halberd. This delayed his response to Tsu's question. And then the girl said they were going to be let go, oh no, not a single one of these was going to get away Cin, he' suffered to much, to many times, for the pleasure of such as these. These were dead men. [/i][/color] [color=f9ad81][i]Even as Iris gives her ultimatum I rise and stab the head of my halberd into the nearest unarmed and unsuspecting bandit, killing him. The others scrambled to their feet running away in terror, I hack the ax head of my halberd into the back of the nearest living bandit, he too shatters into a cloud of glittering shards. I move to give chase to the four remaining bandits, answering Tsu at last.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]Slay the bastards, or they'll find new targets later.[/color] [color=8882be]A new chorus of screams and two flashes, accompanied by the roar of monsters announces new arrivals to the conflict. One of the monsters turns to charge Cin, who meats it with a thrust of his halberd. These resembled bears, and had high health for their level and moderate armor and strength. Claws raked Cin's chest, the breastplate taking brunt of the attack and loosing some durability, the rest of the attack knocked Cin to one side. He spun with the blow, bringing the ax head into the bear's flank, as he regained his balance. He noticed the two remaining bandits dash past him and grimaced, but then noticed two more bears one following each of the bandits, and decided he had bigger problems. His two hits had only dropped the bear into the yellow, it looked like this was going to be a long fight... He back pedaled just in time to avoid a second swipe from the bear he was fighting.[/color]