After entering the back room, Annelie had only a short moment to take in her new surroundings and the people gathered before the hooded figure revealed himself and started talking. She stood straight, back rigid, while he spoke and her hand hadn't left her sword since she entered the tavern. Her eyebrows rose slightly when he said his name. Of course she'd heard of him, being a guard herself. It was a name whispered in awe. It unnerved her that she'd apparently been watched. Annelie frowned. She agreed with what he said; the king was mad, and the land would be better of without him. Still, these were dangerous times and only fools trusted blindly. "Plotting against the king is a grievous crime, punishable by death if one's lucky. Just hearing your words puts us all at risk. If what you say is true, however, it would be a risk worthy to take. But I'd hear more details before I offer my sword. For starters, if I were to agree, what then?" She had to make sure this revolution was legit, and not some crazed fanatics folly. She'd give much to see these lands set free, but she wouldn't sacrifice her time and maybe even her life for an operation doomed to fail from the start.