[h2]Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel[/h2] [@Caits] Karn's lips tightened ever so slightly together, fingers digging into his arms. As if the comforting words were painful to hear. Emerald eyes lowering sadly before taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh. [color=springgreen]"Yeah, I know... It's difficult. It feels there are ghosts here."[/color] he muttered, examining faces, almost grimacing when he saw James sitting at a table. Taking a breath, he turned away. [color=springgreen]"I'm not hungry. I'll be outside if you need me. Go and enjoy yourself."[/color] he said, giving a final slight smile before quickly striding away, his walk a bit awkward and gave a grumble of irritation before shaking his head and quickly leaving the hotel. Stepping out of the doors, passing a few people that seemed familiar, but chose not to look at them. He stood outside now, emerald gaze glancing around at the world around him. Fingers tightening against his arms until it hurt, he tried to calm down, breathing slowly. Mind processing the situation he was in. [h2]Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel[/h2] Prince chuckled, patting Michael on the head. [color=aqua]"Awe come on! You just gotta drink smart! Plus you seemed to like it the way you guzzled it."[/color] he purred before ears perking as he heard Shujin and the feline just gave a innocent grin. [color=aqua]"Awe don't be such a busy body!"[/color] he chuckled before releasing Michael and getting out of the bed. Putting on his coat and hat with a approving hum. [color=aqua]"Well, we better see what the crew is up to. Hopefully not having a food fight in the hotel."[/color] he chuckled in amusement.