After the debriefing, Joe ate his dinner ration for the day, the struggle had made him hungry. The hall he expected to be the canteen was almost empty at that hour, so he was done eating within 5 to 10 minutes, as nothing distracted him from eating. Having nothing to do, he went to his room and browsed the shop, the technical issues he was having had been resolved in the meantime, so he looked through the weapons category. He was looking for a backup weapon, in case he couldn't use his missiles due to either damage or too thick fog around the enemy. As this included him not planning to use it too often, he was looking for a cheap weapon. The cheapest listed weapon were missiles for a mere 8K ICC, but those weren't really an option, he already had sufficient missiles. The 2nd cheapest one was the VEKW-01.65 railgun for 12K ICC. It fulfilled all of his criteria for his backup weapon, and when you don't frequently use a weapon, its power consumption usually does not concern you, provided your system can store enough power for 1 shot. Joe decided to ask an engineer whether or not Swarm's power generators and capacitors could field the railgun's requirements. The engineer he asked thought a bit, and then responded with an assuring 'yes', so Joe went back to the console and purchased it. In the occasion, that damage dealt by the enemy prevented Joe from using his missiles, a mere NC-grade rifle likely didn't have enough 'umpf' to do much about the situation.