[b][@TheHangedMan][/b] [b][color=00a99d] Agatha slowly nodded as her mind was slowly griping with new facts that clashed against what she had been told to her all of her life. To pass this test she must believe in this new information. Her parents did have magic nor any other person in her family. No teacher knew anything about magic nor did the people in her village. In fact that was way she and her parents moved out of town and never had another child after her birth....But many generations back.... No put that thought out of her head she needed to concentrate on the problem and everything stopped because of her inattention. "I'm sorry din. My mind wandered but I will finish this problem yet. I must for my own sake. though after we are done, I have a few questions for you." Agatha spoke as she went back to the problem in hand. As the rust fell apart, Agatha began to think of how winter felt, a cold breeze began to blow. Snow slowly fell down as Agatha's emotions turned a sadness and her body began to turn slightly blue. As she began to feel the cold, a frosty feel came in with the breeze. She became so cold that she was turning to a darker blue and she began to cry. The breeze picked up her tears and whipped them away into the air where they turned into snowflakes which fell about. After what seemed like forever to Agatha because she had never been this cold before and it was getting colder by the second. As Agatha became colder, she turned even bluer and soon after that an ice formed around her body causing her to look like a brilliant blue ice sculpture of a sad lass. This lasted for maybe ten minutes before slowly the snow melted away as the world began to split further into a spiral. As the spiral grew, the air became warmer and warmer. The snow melted and the ground turned brown once more in patches. As Agatha thought about how the winter snow melted away, the ice slowly melted as well. The warmth from from her body melted off of her revealing her cold body. Tiny crocus began to peek out of the snow being one of the first flowers of spring. Agatha moved her body into a stretch as if she had a good night's sleep. She looks around to see if she had passed yet or not. [/color][/b]