Mr. Man rolled his eyes, reluctant to appease the boy. He calmly reviewed the exam in his head, and then pulled out another small stone from his pocket. The fourth kind he had used so far. This stone was yellow, with a red glowing circle drawn on it. He turned it over in his hand, before setting it on the boy's knee. [b][color=gold]"Crush it in your hand. It's not difficult. While you do, imagine the item you've lost."[/color][/b] He said gruffly, though he didn't seem upset at the loss of the stone. [b][color=gold]"It should return the item,"[/color][/b] He added when he noticed the boy hesitating. [b][color=gold]"By the way, I should note that I reviewed your wounds, however I have no idea the true extent of them. Regardless I can heal them if you feel they are dire. If not, please refrain."[/color][/b] If Apollo did attempt to crush the stone, he would find it instantly fall apart like sand in his hand, then glow with magic intensity as it burned away. Once the last of the stone had burned away, the sword would be retrieved, appearing in his hand to replace the stone.