With three of them attacking the bears Mai'lo rushed forward toward the last of the monsters. "Everyone keep back!" He roared. Last thing he needed was for someone to get too close and for him to hit them with his sword. The bear struck as he approached and he ducked, letting its massive arm shoot past his head. With a loud roar he stood and swung as hard as he could from his left to his right. The gigantic sword sliced right through the bear leaving a line of angry, digitized red across its body. As the sword exited the other side he let it's weight and momentum carry it around, making him spin on his heel until he had come a full 360 degrees and he swung agin, slicing a second line through the creatures body. It roared and reared back and he brought the sword around and up, bringing it straight down in a powerful strike that left a third line of red bisecting the creature right down the middle. Its health bar dropped into the red. Lower, lower. The moment before it hit zero it struck out one last time and with almost no time to react he raised his arm, dragging the sword up so the flat of his weapon was between him and the bear. The blow was solid and his own weapon slammed into his chest, sending him flying a good fifteen feet back through the air to land on his back with a heavy thud. A moment later the creature explodes into a million tiny shards of digitized light. "Ouch," he muttered. A glance at the ever present health bar showed his life had dropped by half with just one partially blocked blow. 150/300 "Gods, that was a little too close."