[quote=Mizuho] I'm offended. Acacia's written books D:< and she's also done a bunch of other things that I don't remember.And Jacob also said one of the things that would hurt her the most XD thaaanks [/quote] I saw nothing about writing books, and I'm not a mind reader D: How would I know? [quote=Mizuho] That's the point <3 and the best part is, he won't know if he's heartbroken!I hope people like that don't actually exist... [/quote] They exist. And they're among the only people Jacob would actually consider himself "better than." Here's looking to you, Rayne. If only she gave a shit what other people thought or cared to get to know them, she'd realized Jacob isn't the stuck-up douchebag he can seem to be. But that's Rayne's thing, so I don't blame her really.