[i]The guards were certainly there. That could be discerned by their angry, muffled voices. They seemed to be yelling at someone. The door handle slowly turned, and... with a sharp crack of splintering wood, the door was pulled outwards. That wasn't the way it was supposed to be opened. Several of the castle defenders stood glaring about in a circle, in the midst of which was a huge, semi-naked man holding the broken door.[/i] [b]"Hruh... Not bathroom this be!!"[/b] "Oi told ye' that twice, ye' stenchy idiot! Git outa there!" "That be the Lady's quarters! Put that door back!" "Who the 'ell even are you!?" [i]With a heaving shrug, the hulking barbarian haphazardly placed the door back into place, presumably intending to carry on with his quest to find a place to make poopy. Out in the hall, dead and unconscious enemy soldiers lay strewn about in all sorts of amusing and impropable positions. Thrust through expensive paintings, draped across tables and chairs, piled in corners... some even hung by the ceiling, their heads having been rammed through the upper floor. Yes, the inside of the castle was safe now, but sweet momma, the repairs were going to be killer. At least the bad guys would have had some semblance of respect for the priceless antiques.[/i]