[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4xYmIzMTQuUm5KbGVXRSwuMA,,/viking.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/be5d0205-e1c9-40b3-90ee-4cf257b27690_zpsjajpstym.jpg[/img][/center] [hider][center][color=FFFACD]Sophia "If you can't lay them, slay them."[/color] [hider=Current Attire] [u]Current Attire[/u] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/freya3_zpsr5oxwz2s.jpg[/img][/hider] [u]Necklace[/u] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/1d/0b/591d0b3063eefaed3c331083f836e2ec.jpg]Here[/url] [u]Location[/u] Seattle - Fifth Floor of an Apartment Building[/center] [u]OCC:[/u] None for now[/hider] [color=00FF7F]A soft smile played upon her supple lips as her rare azure lanterns locked with the man's gaze. He was a lot taller than she, a physicality that she preferred in a man. She stood, relaxed within the door frame of the bedroom while he struggled to find his voice. Considering his weathered condition, it was obvious it had been awhile since he had seen a woman, especially one as beautiful as she. Lucky for her, the whole "world in chaos" situation had been far to kind. She wasn't sure if it was due to her charm and elegant grace, or her talents to always get what she wanted...seeing as everything was fuzzy. [i]Why won't this headache go away??[/i] It was honestly infuriating, this lack of memory and the ability to recall what she did last night. She figured the cocaine would stimulate herself out of the fuzzy coma but all it did was make her restless. [i]"Um, anyway, My name is Damian, and I can't express enough of my gratitude to you. If you need anything, then consider me at your service."[/i] [b]"Damian....[/b] She gracefully closed the distance between them, never taking her seductive gaze away from him. [b]"...anything I need?[/b] Her eyes fell to his lower extremities, then slowly rose as she eyed his physical appearance, as a hunter would observe his prey. [b]"Don't make promises that you can't keep, darling."[/b] She then brushed passed him, her warm skin connecting with his briefly. She was eager to find something to drink. She wasn't exactly sure what she was thirsty for....but alcohol was always the answer right? Plus, she needed to offer a guest some refreshments. That would be the proper thing to do. [b]"I'm sure you're thirsty from your travels. Sit down, relax. Take a load off."[/b] She called out to him as she danced into the kitchen, the cocaine spiking energy into her veins. She retrieved a bottle of wine along with a bottle of water. As she returned to the living room, she tossed the bottle of water to the man, automatically assuming that he wasn't the alcoholic type. If he did feel like indulging, hopefully he would be a man and just ask for what he wanted. Whether it be the alcohol...or her. [i]"Miss Sophia, I don't think we're alone in this building any longer. I'm not sure how you wish to handle it, but I'd prefer to avoid bloodshed if possible. Avoiding conflict and coming to a peaceful solution would be nice, but my early experience has shown that to be unlikely"[/i] She suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that they in fact were no longer alone. Perhaps it was the man in her bed from earlier? She hoped it was, seeing as she had so many questions for him. She didn't mind more company. In fact, she welcomed it, being the social butterfly that she was. Her voice was loud, yet sweet as honey. [b]"You're welcome to join us, whoever you are out there."[/b] She highly doubted that whoever was about to make their grand entrance could be a threat, and even if they were, she was confident that she would be able to handle herself. As if in response, her ruby necklace pulsed defiantly against her heart. [@Raijinslayer] [@Crazy Doctor] [@Argetlam350] [/color]