[center][h1][color=goldenrod]Welcome to Omega[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/85/ce/85cecb926f2fda87b217ab814ee4ab8e.png?itok=x8EQApZy[/img][/center] Long ago, upon the Geth's first steps beyond the Perseus Veil, Shepard's story began. He was a brave fighter, a fearless leader, and a masterful negotiator. He looked out for the galaxy's best interests, and made tough sacrifices. But when faced with the Reapers, he was a mere pawn, one soldier in an army, the only thing making him special was that conduit on Eden Prime. So this story focuses on the lives of those that played smaller roles, yet they held no lesser significance. We start on Omega, a hub of criminal activity and the universal staple for anarchy. Built on the remains of an Eezo-rich asteroid, this was a place to strike it rich almost an eternity ago. Now, the derelict station is ruled by Aria T'Loak and kept in working order by those on her payroll. Those who stay know just how cutthroat this place can be, and fight for every scrap in an attempt to make a living. To some, this is a playground. To others, hell. You've come here in search of fame and fortune. You may have succeeded, you may have failed. Either way, you need a way off this rock, and the only viable solution may just be a Turian with an intricate system of connections and a drug addiction. Good luck, you'll need it. [hr] [center][h2][color=goldenrod]Approved Characters[/color][/h2][/center] [center][i][b]You may have up to three characters at your disposal[/b][/i][/center] [center]Sicari Velinian - The Broker - Turian - Mega Birb Laura Kaelin - The Con Woman - Human - Kingfisher Benjamin Langdon - The Goon - Human - Avanhelsing Jason Rivers - The Paragon Soldier - Human - Awesomoman64 Sasesesa V'naala - The Explosive - Asari - Clol7 Tar Koran - The Engineer - Volus - pyroman Raik Krieg - The Colossus - Krogan - Saarebas[/center] [hr] [hider=Character Reference Sheet] [center][h2][color=goldenrod]Reference Sheet[/color][/h2][/center] [center]A picture of your character.[/center] [center][i]A brief description of your character's personality.[/i][/center] [center][H3]Name[/H3] [h3]Class or Designation[/h3] [/center] [H3]Civilian Information[/h3] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight[/b] [b]Class:[/b] [B]Biotic potency:[/b] (Y/N) [h3]Military Background[/h3] [b]Years Spent in Active Combat:[/b] [b]Armaments:[/b] [b]Armor:[/b] [b]Advance Specializations:[/b] [b]Skillset:[/b] (5 Maximum) [b]Favored Powers:[/b] [h3]Psychological Analysis[/h3] [b]Traits:[/b] (3 Maximum)[list] [*]Trait 1: [*]Trait 2: [*]Trait 3: [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] (3 Minimum. Remember: Flawed characters are interesting characters!) [list] [*] Flaw 1: [*] Flaw 2: [*] Flaw 3: [/list] [b]Pysch Profile:[/b] [b]Backstory:[/b] [h3]Denouement[/h3] [b]Character Motivation:[/b] [b]Significant Relations:[/b] (Living or deceased.) [B]Opinions on Others:[/b] (Please update as more characters are added.) [b]Awesome Theme Song:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]