It took time for Nicoli to locate exactly where the smell was coming from. He had a good sense of smell when compared to other humans, but he was far below that of many other predators. It wasn't until he saw the thin line of smoke rising up from a clearing that he pinpointed the smells exact location. Being so close put Nicoli on edge, made him wary. His hunt was coming to its end. He pulled his cloak more tightly around him and approached slowly, picking his path carefully. He even went so far as too use the magic in his anklet to silence his steps, there could be no mistake before the strike. There would be no tripping the trap for Nicoli, his keen senses and years learning to detect such things made it possible for him to pick out the cleverly disguised trip-line before he blundered into it. [I] Clever. [/i] He thought as he inspected it without touching it, eyes tracing the wire to a wooden clacker to his left and another to his right. Staying where he was he moved a hand, concealed within the depth of his cloak up the side of his face to the goggles he wore but were covered by the ink like liquid of one of his charms. He pressed a button on the side, using the magic of the goggles to shift the color within the ink to the clear lens, with it he was able to focus his sight more closely on the fire and the meat that hung over it. Hanging branches, leaves and vines made it impossible to make out much of he camp. He could move of course, but he would risk setting off the trap. Besides, a moving target was much easier to spot than a still one. He pushed a button on the side of his goggles again, this time switching from red to blue. He would have liked to use his red lens, but the fire right before him would make that lens all but useless. So instead he looked for the tell-tale glow of magic. He could see nothing through the thick foliage. He looked down for a moment, looking over the trip-wire again. [I] Very well. [/i] He said to himself as he dismissed the silencing magic of his charm, it was near useless at this point anyways. He stood up and as he did he yanked on the clacker, pulling it with him and causing a commotion as he did so. A few steps into the clearing he would toss the portion of the trap he had grabbed on the ground before him. His hands would then vanish back in the depths of his cloak, each coming to rest on one of the many pouches he wore on his person.