As the bartender opened the back door, Eodwyn entered bowing slightly to the djinn before he and his furry companion disappeared into the back. “Well this looks rather cosy” Eodwyn Said with a slight chuckle before bowing towards the djinn sitting down and taking a seat, Oragnar laying down just beside him. As more people entered, Eodwyn shifted slightly slowly placing his hand on his sword, just in case it was after all a trap. As they all took their places the hooded man that welcomed them in pushed back the hood to reveal a heavily burned man. A man Eodwyn knew all too well. Edward Bastillion. Eodwyn’s Grandfather would talk about the Dawn Guard, A group of highly trained individuals who were the only ones allowed to carry the dawnriders, the weapons his grandfather crafted by hand. Eodwyn yet again shifted uncomfortably as he heard Mr Bastillion’s speech. As he finished Eodwyn let out a slight chuckle before looking at the group. “I think both you and I and everyone here know the power of Kaaos himself. Even if we were to agree to this little adventure, how the hell do you suppose we get close to him, let alone try to eradicate him? And secondly why us? Why this group? Surely you did not send this invitation of yours to any Tom, Dick and Harry who was against the Kaaos. What makes us so special?” Eodwyn said, never taking his eyes off Edward. Was this truly one of the Dawn Guards? Did he have possession of his blade? Does he know who Eodwyn truly is? [i]All questions that could be answered at a later date.[/i] Eodwyn thought as he awaited a response.