[@Senor Herp], I really like and appreciate how you took the time to weave the description of your technology from the viewpoints of the other factions. I enjoyed reading the armor section so much that I'm even going to add Schildcorp Durasteel as a contract corporation. On that note, since you've already sort of hinted at it I suppose we should discuss the possibility of Fourth Staff infiltrators amongst your populace. Due to your use of a caste system and an integrated military command, I doubt the Fourth Staff's network could be all that extensive since it would be difficult for them to ply their particular trade using the indigenous natives. Most operatives would basically be alien species - traders, goodwill envoys, that sort of thing. There might be a rare few individuals who have set up or joined your equivalent of a local black market. In terms of objectives, there would be some nominal interest in Black Iron/Robertite - not a great deal, since it does not appear to be a resource that can be cornered in the market and there are other more promising areas of investigation. Particularly, they'd be more interested in your plasma-state matter-projection via graser weaponry. They transmit lots of power between places via beam, but their relatively unsophisticated weapons technology reflects an inefficient design and methodology behind power transfer. There's been a lot of market push to develop near-lightspeed emitters that project converted power both in the form of photons/neutrons and electromagnetic radiation as well as various forms of elemental plasma. A currently in-development power transceiver functions as a 'flash-fusion & fabrication screen' that acts as a rectenna and also uses ablative contact with plasma in conjunction with the free neutron stream to sustain a continuous fusion reaction that can then be converted by the underlying screen directly into electrical power with much higher efficiency (due to pressure exerted on the screen by the incoming beam), and results in a higher power-by-volume figure in regards to beam makeup. Of course, they're having trouble with lots of bits and pieces of that design. Someone somewhere is probably convinced that they can lift a few pieces of tech or information from you that might help. ...And if that can also be used to develop better weapons, hey. Bonus.