[@Aisling] [color=a36209]"Good, good. You're almost finished,"[/color] muttered Din, though audibly enough for Agatha to hear. As frost covered his forsaken world, Din himself began to ice over, his body slowly being enveloped by a thin sheet of ice. His movements became slower, more labored, until he altogether stopped moving. As the ice thawed over and gave way to spring, the frozen skin of the copper Man broke down, revealing a hint of gold underneath. Eventually, this spread throughout his entire body, and like a snake shedding its skin, Din's appearance took on a new form. In place of the Copper Man, there stood a resplendent figure made of gold. Gone were the dagger-like fingers, replaced by thin, long silver hands. His face was gold and his eyes were cornflower sapphires. The large, sharp teeth had disappeared, leaving nothing in its wake. The new born Din stood up, with none of the hollow sounds he had made before. Despite his transformation, however, he still had the same neutral scowl on his face. Still, he radiated a kind of happiness that was out of place for him. [color=a36209]"Congratulations on finishing your exam, Miss Pendragon."[/color] Din walked towards Agatha, with a grace and confidence he didn't have before. With every step he took, the earth went wild. Small trees sprouted and grew were he tread, and bushes, flowers, berries and all sorts of plantation sprung at his sides. [color=a36209]"Now, you ought to prepare for your next exam,"[/color] said Din, flicking his arm upwards. In response, behind Agatha, a door made of solid gold grew. It was intricately carved, with the sides of the door made to resemble trees, and the wide arc at the top shaped like a canopy of branches. The doors were made of a dark colored wood, and the door knobs fashioned from diamond. [color=a36209]"You'll be dueling one of your peers who has also finished his exam. I hope you're ready. Also, now would be the time to ask your questions." [/color]