Petra could barely sleep due to the anticipation of the journey on the morrow. She tossed and turned all night until finally deciding to set off for Jeorva in the wee hours of the morning. She walked in the brisk early hours with the breeze blowing the loose strands of her light brown hair in all different directions. She glanced at the small cottages in her hometown of Deidremere and said a silent goodbye to everyone sleeping soundly, unaware of Petra’s departure. Soon they would wake up and begin harvesting for the day and head down into the mines to begin the long day underground. By then, Petra would be halfway to Jeorva and beginning her new life. She wasn't entirely sure what to expect in this new chapter of her life. All she knew is that she needed to get to the academy. She would have left immediately after she felt the initial pull except she had no idea how she was going to explain her absence to her supervisor, Xavier. He would have asked too many questions and she would never be able to explain herself without disregarding the warning in her dream. She decided it would be best to leave in the still of the night while everyone slept to avoid any suspicion and unwanted questions. As the day grew brighter, Jeorva began to become clearer in the distance. Petra could hardly suppress her anticipation to see this exotic new city. Unable to with hold her excitement, she bolted for the front gates only to slow to a jog when noticing the giant orcs guarding the entrance to the city. She had heard about the orc soldiers that roamed the city but was slightly unprepared for their gruesome demeanor. "State your business, foreigner.” the larger orc growled. “[color=f9ad81]I am traveling from Deidremere to come and buy materials to create carts for the mines.[/color]” Petra's confident voice did not waver as she told her bold face lie. Her stone wall face gave no sign of the fearsome pounding of her heart. “Enter” The orc stated carelessly, waving Petra forward. As Petra took her first steps into Jeorva, she could feel the shift in the atmosphere as she left behind her world of solid earth and stone, for that of a bustling city.