[@Zetsuko] Fo shook her head. [color=fff79a]"Nope, no trade-offs. There is only [i]one[/i] way to get me to open this door, and that's by saying the magic word. You shouldn't be so quick to surrender what's yours, by the way. What if I was a malevolent spirit that hijacked the entrance exams? Then you'd be in real trouble,"[/color] she said, a playful smirk on her face. A moment later, she added: [color=fff79a]"That was a joke by the way. It's practically impossible for anyone to hijack these exams, so don't worry."[/color] The small fairy stood up from the doorknob, crossing her arms and looking pointedly at Kieran. [color=fff79a]"In any case, you ought to hurry. I've received word that over half of the examinees are finished now. Only you and a handful of other people are left."[/color]