Mr. Man hesitated, before letting out a uncharacteristic chuckle. The boy really didn't understand. [b][color=gold]"The exam isn't pass or fail. Of course you passed. You're alive. How well you did is a different matter altogether."[/color][/b] He explained after having a fair chuckle. Man then went over to the desk, and opened the folder. Out he slipped two papers. One being a class schedule, and the other being his dorm number. The class schedule read as such: [hider=Class schedule] Apollo Ranking: undecided First period: Alchemy Second period: Free Third period: Artifacts Fourth period: Elements Class Fifth period: Combat Training Sixth period: Free Seventh period: Magic Theory Eighth period: Sealing [/hider] The other sheet of paper, simply said "Dorm room: A7" with a small reminder on the bottom that going to the girls dormitory was [b]strictly[/b] forbidden. [b][color=gold]"The punishment may or may not be death."[/color][/b] Man hinted with little humor.