[color=8882be][i]Cin raised hie halberd and brought it down in a vertical chop, side stepped another slashing paw, back handed with halberd's spike, and then thrust under the snapping jaws of his opponent. Red lines scored it's hide as it's health faded oh so slowly. Stepping back again he whirls the halberd's head around him setting up for a horizontal hack, with the ax head. The bear obliges him by lunging into it, and shattering into shards of light even before the halberd struck, as an arrow zips over Cin's shoulder into the bear for the final blow. Cin recovers his balance, and takes stock of the situation. That was two of the bears finished, and Tsu and one of the new arrivals seemed to have the third in hand, so he took the time to glance around saw the over sized black fox snarling at the soft girl. Soft she may be, but Cin wasn't about to leave her to deal with the fox alone, certainly not since she'd taken the most damage. He took three large steps, and then lunged leaning forward over his right knee as he stabbed at the fox, but it danced lithely away from the blow, moving towards Iris and preparing to attack again. Matsuta stepped in and dealt it a severe blow, leaving a red line from shoulder to thigh, as he slashed through it. It yelped and tried to dodge away, but was stabbed by a rapid, but weak, jab from Cin. It bounded back towards the woods, being the first monster to demonstrate a flight mechanic. Determined not to loose his prize Matsuta followed, and found himself entering the forest in time to see the wounded fox stop and look back at him over his shoulder, as another jumped at him from behind, scoring a critical hit. Matsuta whirled, and left several red lines through his target as he struck, reversed his strike, and then rolled it back for a third and final blow to the would be assassin. He'd unlocked a new skill with that flurry of blows, but he payed it no heed, turning back in time to see his original target leaping at him. A hasty thrust send's the monsters health plummeting past the red, as its own attack lands and returns the favor. Shock registers briefly in all the Matsutas... this was it, would they really all die in reality as well? His image shattered into the all to familiar cloud of glittering shards. Meanwhile Cin takes a moment to drink a health potion and make sure that Iris and Tailpin are okay. Trusting Matsuta to take care of himself long enough for help to arrive should he need it. He watches Tsu and his new battle partner take on the third and final bear, ready to step in should they need the help, but there was still that archer, where ever he, or she, was so Cin wasn't too worried about them.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]Hey, you okay? Do you need a pot?[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I offer Iris one of the three health potions I have left, in case she needs it. Better safe than sorry, right? I glance towards Matsuta, or more accurately what I could make out of his form through the sparse trees and shrubs. A particularly bright flash of light and the sound of more death, brought a smile to my face. The man had beaten the fox and would be rejoining us soon, or so I thought as I turned my focus back to Tsu and the last bear. I glance again at the strange girl next to me, hoping she wouldn't find me to repulsive for lashing out at those npc's despite her wishes to the contrary, but not feeling any regret for my choice. I had hated bullies for longer than I could remember, and finally, I was in a position to do something about the ones around me. I would not bother to waste any compassion on them, they hadn't seen fit extend any to me after all.[/i][/color] [@Vocab][@Yunagi][@LadyTale]