Ever so slowly the darkness edged away - leaving her with a feeling that she didn't experience too often. She could feel her body reconstruct itself, patching her back together. Adrenaline ran through her veins keeping the pain at bay for at least short while. Kristina blinked once and then again as the world came back into view. However, it was not a scene she would have expected. She glanced around at the bedroom in which she resided. A hospital room she could expect, perhaps even the lab table at the morgue, and if she had been lucky she would have woken up on the streets where her heart had been stopped. The details of the attack were vague to her - and she had no desire to retrieve them in more detail. If shock or trauma would keep them at bay... well maybe she wouldn't have to recall the pain. Still that didn't explain where she was. Sitting up, she ran her hand through her hair as she glanced at her blood that stained the cloth beneath her. Quietly she sat, feeling a bit better each second that ticked by. Swinging her feet off the bed, she moved to stand. However her legs weren't ready to support her weigh. In panic she reached for something and only managed to drag a lamp down with her. Kris swore as the noise echoed around her. So much for attempting to quietly leave.