As Nova approached what appeared to be a small child with a toy train, the child raised the train to their face. For a moment, Nova could feel dimensional energies surging as a path was forged through the veil of reality. It was in essence similar to a warp portal, breaking down the barriers between two dimensions and opening a conduit for matter and energy to transfer between them. However, this portal seemed to come into existence around the child, as they were instantly pulled into a different dimension. Even with his inhuman reflexes and nigh-omniscience, Nova had been unable to prevent the child from being drawn away. There was no telling where they had been teleported off to, or whether they would ever return to this realm. ((If he comes back, he can just say he was ported to the local corner store.)) Nova sighed, as he picked up the toy train. The only thing that remained. It seemed he had been correct in his suspicions, and that this child had taken the terminal from the shop. Whether this had been intentional was now impossible to tell, but if the child was out there somewhere, with this terminal, it should be possible for him to find it. If the child was still alive, in some far-flung reality, he would need to draw it back here, or to return it to it's dimension of origin. However, a more pressing concern presented itself. A burning headache errupted in Nova's skull, as he suddenly felt the pressure of a Thousand souls on his psyche. Like the cry of some abberation echoing inside of his skull. He gritted his teeth before retaliating in kind, a great psionic whip slashing through the warp. He recognized the pain he had been dealt, and he knew that his most ancient enemies had followed him to this realm. He could feel their foul presence in the warp, the immense creatures of destruction and corruption that had been dubbed the Chaos Gods. Although he could imagine no being further from the ideals a God must embody. However, far more worrying was that these beings seemed to be completely free, unshackled and unhalted, as they had existed before the Fall of the Eldar Empire, when first he had needed to subdue them. Removing his psionic presence from the warp had left them with no opponent to fight, and they were now running amock. This further forced him to question what state his home universe would be in when he returned, how much damage the Chaos Gods had caused in his brief absence. Whether or not there would be anything left to rebuild. The very air darkened, and every sentient being on the planet could feel a pressure in their minds. Seductive whispers of power, knowledge, lust, and (for some reason) tuberculosis. All of these were offered as gifts, free of charge, as the psionic might of the Chaos Gods imprinted their wishes on the minds of every being in this universe. Their will attempting to corrupt those here by playing to their basest desires, to grant them the gifts of the Warp. A Thousand offers were made in the span of a second, as whispering voices laughingly played with the desires and minds of those here. Several might find themselves offended at the clearly demonic offers, some might find the experience overwhelming, and still others might be tempted to accept. But most worrying of all was the immense psionic storm that was brewing in the sky, like a Rift the size of a continent. A massive disturbance in reality. Every being with the ability to sense such things could feel immense power radiating from it, and yet faintly hear the screams of a billion souls in torment from it's depths. The Earth trembled, the sky quaked, and the oceans turned to blood. A single observation vessel drove unexpectedly into the Warp, the ethereal on board screaming in garbled alien tongues before exploding. It was swiftly crushed by the immense hand that emerged from it. A massive red claw, like the hand of the Biblical devil himself, each finger the size of a mountain, each claw made of solidified darkness. The hand of Khorne reached out, and the observation ship seemed to be annihilated by it's mere presence. The grasping fingers reached for the planet, as if attempting to pull it, too, into the Warp. To draw it into a realm of Daemonic torment, a hell where every sentient mind would be plagued forever, the soul nothing more than a snack to those that dwelt there. Nova emerged in front of the Palace, surprising the group of heroes who had no doubt been staring into the sky. He was burning brighter than ever, and looking straight at him was nearly blinding. A pair of wings emerged from his back, forged from light and steel, and he wielded a sword of flames that radiated an unspeakable power. And even as the Chaos Gods spread lies, disorders and corruption, their mere presence enough to drive most to madness, the Emperor was a bastion of light. Absolute order personified, the power of all of Earth's shamans incarnated into a single body, a single mind, a single will. Doubt, hatred, and fear were washed away by his presence, a comforting and yet determined aura that filled the minds of all who regarded him. This was the form he had taken when first he had risen into the sky to do battle with the Chaos Gods, when he had still carried the name of Micheal. And now, it was a form he must done again. A pillar of light emanated from the Emperor, and smashed into the grasping claw of Khorne. Not in a match of strength, but of sheer unadulterated power, as the God Emperor forced the laws of reality onto the Dark God, ripping the immense arcane construct to pieces. His might was cast out in the void, as the hundred Thousand spells of Tzeench were shattered, enchantments and illusions fading away before his light. The plagues of nurgle festered in those unwary of them, and yet his healing power caused them to be banished from this world. And lastly the Emperor faced the most powerful of the Chaos Gods, Slaanesh. He could feel the savage creature throwing attack after attack at him, his psyche being torn into by a billion mental claws. But the Dark Gods were weak in this world, unable to cope with the laws of reality. And he banished Slaanesh's influence as well, back to the Warp. He knew that he could not continue to fight them here. They would rise and recover faster than he would, and they would cast this entire universe into darkness. The Chaos would devour worlds far in the distance, or simply invade some universe where there was no God Emperor to hold them back. He could not contain them while remaining here, and yet he could not discard his mortal form. For in essence it was this form that differentiated them, this mortal husk to which he bound himself. If he were to ascend into a purely psionic form, what was to stop the impurity of the Warp from corrupting him as well? From turning him into the very being he sought to contain. The sixth Chaos God, to complete the pantheon and finally annihilate all life in the Multiverse. Shit, he hadn't even known there was a Multiverse before today. Sighing, Nova relinquished much of his divine power. He sacrificed it, forging it into a seperate entity from himself still linked to him. His divine will extended into the Warp, where it would fight to subdue the Chaos Gods. He could not destroy them, or even completely contain them, but he could hold them back. To prevent them from crafting physical forms in the Materium, to banish them from existing in this plane. As for their remaining influence in this world... well, he'd just have to deal with that personally. The Warp Storm did not subside, although it did not grow in power. And the whispers were still there, softly making endless promises to those who were prepared to listen. But they were subdued, weakened. For now they were mere offers, instead of orders, and no longer could the will of Chaos devour the weaker beings. It was possible for the Emperor to remove the Warp Storm, to close the rift. But he wished the attention of the Chaos Gods here, to keep their eye and fight their forces. For every Daemon they sent to defeat him was one Daemon not running amock in the worlds of man. Every attack they launched on him was an attack taken from the minds of the innocent. But the Chaos Gods were here now, and their servants were soon to follow.