Standing in front of the mirror in his room Iron struggled with his bow tie. Looking at the clock he sighed as he realized that continuing to struggle with the tie was only going to make him later. Throwing the bow tie onto his bed he grabbed the clip-on that he had been hoping to avoid using. Clipping it into place he had to admit that the outfit came together well, it was just something about the clip-on that annoyed him. Perhaps it was the fact that the real Tuxedo Mask would have never worn a clip-on, or maybe it was the [i]who[/i] he was going on a date with. The fact that Zinnia was royalty had been something that the Illinois native hadn't quite got passed. It was easy enough to treat her like any other person, albeit one he had a continually developing interest in but when he thought about her he always had the fact that she was royalty plaguing his mind. For Iron even meeting royalty was beyond any expectations he could ever have. In all honesty it was easier to accept the outbreak of superhuman abilities than that he was going to a ball with a princess. This myriad of thoughts crossed Iron's mind forcing him to realizing that he was still keeping Zinnia, a princess, waiting. Opening the window to his room Iron leaned out, lowering his gravity as he did so. Taking a position similar to that which one might use to launch themselves of the wall of a pool Iron launched himself into the night kicking off the side of the building and in the direction of the mall. Rocketing through the air, and over the heads of those who's power did not provide such an awesome mode of movement Iron hummed the Tuxedo Mask theme, causing some heads to turn as he flew by. Nearing the doors he slowly increased his gravity until he was able to touch back down. As he touched he noticed Zinnia a few paces away. Closing the distance he gave a partial bow, trying to remain in character [b]"I apologize for keeping you waiting,"[/b] Straightening back up he reveals a rose that had hidden in his sleeve, now clutched in his fingers, "For you, Zinnia."