So. [@Carantathraiel], [@NuttsnBolts] and I just had the most epic conversation in the chat like this: [hider=TL; DR] [code]18:55 NuttsnBolts: [@Carantathraiel]oi 18:56 Carantathraiel: [@NuttsnBolts]oi 18:58 tsukune: [@Carantathraiel][@NuttsnBolts] your exchanges reminds me of the three greenheads in Spirited Away, which hop around and only say "oi" 18:58 Carantathraiel: [@tsukune] hahahahahahaha 18:58 NuttsnBolts: [@tsukune]xD 18:58 Carantathraiel will forever imagine this as well 18:58 tsukune: [@Carantathraiel][@NuttsnBolts] So there's two with you two... Maybe I can join in to make it three like the movie 18:59 tsukune: [@Carantathraiel][@NuttsnBolts] So here I go... OI XD 18:59 Carantathraiel: oi! 18:59 NuttsnBolts: oi 18:59 tsukune: Oi~ 18:59 Carantathraiel: i get to be the one with the pencil stache 18:59 NuttsnBolts bounces on [@tsukune] 18:59 tsukune tries to balance [@NuttsnBolts] on his head 18:59 NuttsnBolts: oi 19:00 Carantathraiel: oi 19:00 tsukune: oi 19:00 NuttsnBolts: oi 19:00 tsukune: oi oi 19:00 Carantathraiel: oi 19:00 NuttsnBolts: oi 19:00 tsukune: oi 19:00 Carantathraiel: oi 19:00 tsukune: oi 19:00 NuttsnBolts: oi 19:00 Carantathraiel: oi 19:00 tsukune: oi 19:00 Carantathraiel: oi 19:00 NuttsnBolts: oi 19:00 tsukune: oi 19:00 Carantathraiel: oi 19:00 tsukune: oi 19:01 NuttsnBolts: oi 19:01 tsukune: oi 19:01 Carantathraiel: oi 19:01 Carantathraiel rolls away 19:01 tsukune tries to roll and causes [@NuttsnBolts] to lose balance 19:01 NuttsnBolts: oi! 19:01 tsukune: oi... 19:01 Carantathraiel: oi oi 19:02 tsukune: oi 19:02 NuttsnBolts faceplants ground 19:02 NuttsnBolts: ...oi.... 19:02 Carantathraiel: oi! 19:02 tsukune pushes [@NuttsnBolts] up 19:02 tsukune: oi! 19:02 Carantathraiel: oi 19:02 NuttsnBolts: oi! 19:02 tsukune: oi oi 19:03 NuttsnBolts: oi 19:04 Carantathraiel: oi 19:05 Carantathraiel: oi? 19:06 NuttsnBolts: OI!!!!! 19:07 Carantathraiel: ..oi 19:07 tsukune: oi.[/code] [/hider]